‘Stranger Things’ on Mars

This photograph (ESP_028957_2085) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 29 September 2012.

NASA describes this photograph as “Eye of the Beholder.”

There are so many Mars anomalies in the photograph I call this video ‘Stranger Things.’

I discovered stone blocks arranged in a ‘Stonehenge’ type of structure, massive square stone blocks, an arena or boma with an entrance way, maybe an eroded pyramid and possibly vehicles leaving tracks in the Martian surface.

'Stranger Things' on Mars - 'Stonehenge'
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – ‘Stonehenge’ (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Stone Blocks
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Stone Blocks (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Stone Blocks
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Stone Blocks (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Boma or Arena
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Boma or Arena (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Vehicles
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Vehicles (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Vehicles
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Vehicles (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Vehicles
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Vehicles (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Vehicles
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Vehicles (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Vehicles
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Vehicles (click for larger image)
'Stranger Things' on Mars - Pyramid
‘Stranger Things’ on Mars – Pyramid (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_028957_2085

I downloaded the HiRise Merged RGB Map-Projected JP2 file to view these anomalies.

Could these be natural anomalies or is there some intelligent design present? Are those vehicles or boulders that left tracks on the surface? There don’t seem to be any steep hills in the area that they could have rolled down from.

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Giant bird sculpture found on Mars?

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2014-09-02T15:19:33.276.

NASA describes this photograph as “North mid-latitude terrain.”

I know this is speculation to the extreme, but could this perhaps be an ancient bird sculpture?

It looks like a bird with a squiggly tail and it appears a piece has broken off, perhaps part of the left wing?

From the contrast enhanced image it looks like you can see an eye.

Giant bird sculpture found on Mars?
Giant bird sculpture found on Mars? (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: http://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/ctx/F06_037976_2120_XN_32N278W

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view this anomaly.

Is this a natural formation caused by water and wind erosion or might it be a giant bird sculpture or even a fossil?

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Another Face on Mars MkII

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2008-08-17T10:22:09.651.

NASA describes this as an image as “Ride-along with HiRISE.”

I discovered what appears to be another face on Mars. Located on a massive plain just North of Gale Crater the face measures roughly 2.2 km across.

I verified this anomaly and its resemblance to a face by comparing it to other MRO images taken of the area on different dates and it looks the same with sunlight and shadows cast from different angles.

Surrounding the “face” are other monuments such as pyramids and oblong hills; not unlike the scene in the Cydonia region of Mars.

The similarity between this vista and the one at Cydonia is unbelievable … check it out. Might there have been a distant connection between the two monuments?

Another Face on Mars MkII
Another Face on Mars MkII (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: http://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/ctx/P22_009650_1772_XI_02S222W

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left on the NASA page to view these anomalies.

Could I have stumbled across another face on Mars, eroded over thousands or even millions of years?

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Puebloan ruins and giant monolith found on Mars

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 10 December 2006 at 15:41 Local Mars time.

NASA describes this as an image as “Evidence for Water and Wind Processes in Gale Crater.”

I discovered what look like Puebloan city ruins on Mars. There are at least six city remnants located to the North in Gale Crater.

Puebloan city ruins on Mars
Puebloan city ruins on Mars (click for larger image)
Puebloan ruins at Chaco Canyon
Puebloan ruins at Chaco Canyon

Comparisons between the ruins found at Gale Crater and those found in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico show similar geometry and construction layout.

A team from NASA and University of Nebraska-Lincoln recently got together to chart the “evidence of indigenous landscapes” in the Chaco Canyon region.

Has NASA found a link between the two civilisations that built these cities in the distant past? Is there perhaps an “Ancient Aliens” connection?

Oddly, I also found what looks like a giant megalith and some broken stone artefacts in this NASA image.

Giant megalith and broken stone artefacts on Mars
Giant megalith and broken stone artefacts on Mars (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/PSP_001752_1750

To view these anomalies clearly download one of the .JP2 file. I downloaded the Merged RGB map-projected image which is 228 MBytes.

Download HiView: https://www.uahirise.org/hiview/ (for all operating systems)

Download HiView: HiView-1.5.0-WIN-i686.exe (for Windows XP – local download)

Original University of Nebraska-Lincoln source: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/nebraska-nasa-team-up-to-chart-evidence-of-indigenous-landscapes/

Wikipedia source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pueblo_Bonito

Is this another possible link between Earth and Mars civilisations?

We might have more in common with Mars than we thought!

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Also visit Twitter page @RaptorZN_.

Odd pieces of broken ancient statues?

Highlighted in this Curiosity rover image are just a few of the more interesting pieces I’ve selected. You’ll see what looks like pieces of broken ancient statues. Starting left working around in clockwise direction, the first piece looks like a piece of a broken clay jar, then a head of a statue that looks like a fish head followed by a piece with what looks like flanges on both sides and finally a block with a partial spiral cut into it.

Odd pieces of broken ancient statues (0844MR0037530400500992E01_DXXX)
Odd pieces of broken ancient statues (0844MR0037530400500992E01_DXXX) (click for larger image)

I’ve zoomed into the piece that looks like a head of a fish like statue. You will notice the upper and lower part of the mouth, a dimple where the two pieces of the mouth join, an eye to the upper right of the top mouth piece and perhaps nostril type holes located bottom right of the upper mouth piece.

Head of a fish like statue (0710MR0030150070402501E01_DXXX)
Head of a fish like statue (0710MR0030150070402501E01_DXXX)

There are many other pieces which I have not covered here; I encourage you to download the original, larger image file and do some anomaly hunting of your own.

Original NASA source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00844/mcam/0844MR0037530400500992E01_DXXX.jpg

This area looks a lot like a totally decimated ancient ruin. The pieces are probably soccer ball size or slightly larger.

As always, the above analysis is based on pure speculation.