This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2013-08-06T16:19:30.564.
NASA describes this image as “Syria/Claritas dust-raising event monitoring site.”
Case #12: Clusters of cigar-shaped objects on Martian surface:
I discovered at least three groups of what appear to be cigar/cylinder shaped objects on the Martian surface. I estimate the average length of these objects to be approximately 160 metres.
Clusters of cigar-shaped objects on Martian surface (click for larger image)
At first I considered these to be some find of flows however they not running down the ridge, instead they are parallel to the ridge. The shadows they cast indicate they are not narrow channels, but are convex structures.
This image (M1101782) was taken by NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on 2000-01-12T22:28:17.64.
NASA describes this image as “sample south polar terrain.”
Case #11: Two cigar shaped craft in Martian crater:
Seen in the image are two cigar shaped objects next to each other in the bottom of what appears to be a hole or crater in the Martian surface. I estimate the longer craft to be approximately 150 metres long.
Two cigar shaped craft in Martian crater (click for larger image)
The only way to see the object clearly is by using the NASA image viewer located to the left of the web page. Click the “Toggle full page” icon followed by the “Zoom in” icon. Click on “Zoom in” until the maximum image size is displayed. The object is located in the bottom quarter of the image. Perhaps the “PDS Source Data” has a higher resolution image.
I followed the process described above, combining several screenshots into a large, complete image which you can download here (file size: 2.82 Mbytes).
As the original NASA image has very little contrast I enhanced it by adjusting the contrast levels.
I tried downloading the original PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF and PDF files; however the resolution of each is too low to see the object clearly.
NASA’s Curiosity Rover captured this sequence of images on Sol 613; 28 April 2014 starting at 04:48:22 UTC to 04:56:09 UTC.
The sequence is almost 8 minutes long, thus this object cannot be a meteorite.
Case #10: Massive cigar shaped craft hovering in the Martian sky:
I recon this is one of the craft used in the Secret Space Program. Whistleblower Corey Goode has revealed that this cigar shaped craft, amongst many others, is used in the Secret Space Program.
Massive cigar shaped craft hovering in the Martian sky – sequence
Corey Goode indicates that there are two cigar shaped craft in use, a smaller version and this 2 km long version.
Massive cigar shaped craft hovering in the Martian sky – Illustration
Disappointingly NASA has only provided thumbnail size images of this sequence on their website which is irregular as the vast majority of other images they release are available in high resolution. Is this a deliberate cover-up?
Click the link below to see the sequence of images on the NASA website (scroll down to the “Right Navigation Cameras (Navcams)” section)
Another link between civilisations on Earth and Mars may have been discovered; not only are there megalithic stone ruins on both planets, now there are carved stone discs.
Were these objects perhaps made by the ancients to depict what they saw in the skies on Earth and Mars?
Case #9: Carved stone discs found on Mars and Earth:
5 January 2009: NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit captured an intriguing stone carving on the Martian surface (PIA11746).
I tried downloading and opening both the TIFF and JPEG files from the NASA website with no success; although the TIFF file downloads I struggled to open it.
Update: I was able to open the high resolution TIFF file using PhotoZoom Pro 7.
Carved stone disc found on Mars (click for larger image)
20 April 2014: NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 606 captured another intriguing disc-like, stone carving embedded in a ridge (0606MR0025570220400955E01_DXXX). Seen is what appears to be a small dome on top of a larger disc. There may be a larger dome underneath the disc.
Carved stone disc found on Mars (click for larger image)
09 August 2012: NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 3 captured another intriguing disc-like, stone carving with what looks like a large dome (0003ML0000090000E1_DXXX).
Carved stone disc with large dome found on Mars (click for larger image)
Upon close inspection these look a lot like similar stone carvings found on Earth.
Could an ancient civilisation on Mars have carved this after seeing these objects in the Martian skies?
26 March 2016: Russian UFO hunters have unearthed debris from a UFO believed to be millions of years old.
Carved stone disc found on Earth, Medveditskaya ridge region, Volgograd
Inquisitr reports that Vadim Chernobrov, head of Kosmopoisk (a Russian UFOlogy and Crytozoology group) and his team have unearthed a disc-shaped stone during an excavation in the Medveditskaya ridge region of the Zhirnovsky district, Volgograd.
Is this another possible link between Earth and Mars civilisations?
We might have more in common with Mars than we thought!
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This object is very small and it took me a while to find it in the original NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE images.
After downloading all the files and analysing each I found it impossible to find. It is visible in the high resolution JP2 image file though.
Case #8: Rectangular object leaving track on Martian surface:
Upon analysis of the area in the image concerned you will note a track in the Martian sand forming an arc. NASA claims this was caused by a rock rolling down an apparent slope. Even if this is a slope it looks rather flat and I find it hard to believe the rock would leave a track in a form of an arc, perhaps a straight line would be more plausible.
Two rather puzzling tracks, parallel to each other, can also be seen a bit further up in the image. These tracks appear to be straight and consist of rectangular impressions in the Martian sand, spaced at regular intervals apart.
Rectangular object leaving track on Martian surface (click for larger image)
The rectangular object and its track in the sand are too small to view in the regular JPEG files. I recommend downloading the high resolution JP2 image file instead. It is a sizable download (325 MBytes) but well worth it.
To view it and other file formats from NASA such as .JP2 download and install HiView which is a free image viewer provided by NASA.
This image was taken by Rear Hazcam: Left B (RHAZ_LEFT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 862.
What makes this image interesting is the black triangular object seen to the left, just above the Martian horizon.
Case #7: Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon:
Some anomaly hunters describe this object as looking like a helicopter viewed side on. In my opinion it looks more like a black triangle viewed slightly from below and side on. Could this be yet another TR-3B?
Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon (click for larger image)Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon – Illustration
Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode has recently revealed the existence of a craft called “The Wedge” which is used by the Dark Fleet to conduct offensive operations.
The Dark Fleet ‘Wedge’ – Illustration
It is well known that one of the Curiosity Rovers Hazcam’s produce an artefact due to damage suffered early on in the rover’s mission. The black triangular object seen in this image (middle, left) does not appear to resemble the shape of the known rover camera artefact (on the right).
Whistleblowers have testified that the TR-3B has been to Mars and that this craft can make the trip from Earth to Mars in a matter of hours or even less, some speculate the craft can reach Mars in 38 minutes.
This anomaly was originally discovered by Richard Hoagland; he speculated that this may be a “spaceship.”
It’s rather difficult to tell whether this anomaly is concave or convex in shape.
Case #6: Derelict crashed craft on Mars?:
NASA released this image (AB-1-085/05 or ab108505) on its website on 22 December 2000.
Should this be an oval shape craft and not a crater on the edge of a cliff it can be speculated that it could possibly be a derelict crashed craft, abandoned by the ancients a long time ago.
The craft does seem to extend past the cliff edge and the shadow cast on the craft does appear to be on the same side to that of the shadows cast by the cliff ridges, making the case for this being a crater highly unlikely.
Derelict crashed craft on Mars (click for larger image)
The original NASA image is of a very low quality, i.e. the brightness is way up and the contrast way down. There are also many vertical lines through the image which make it even harder to get a clear view of the object in question.
The image on the NASA website has an extension .img. To view it and other file formats from NASA such as .JP2 download and install HiView which is a free image viewer provided by NASA.
This is a curious case in that it is difficult to determine exactly what NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera imaged.
There is speculation that it is an entrance to an underground base or a craft of some kind. Who knows?
Case #5: Dome and cube found on Mars:
The sunlight is seen reflecting off the side of the metallic looking dome and cube. This might even be a base. The round part is approximately 65 metres across and the walls are 7 to 10 metres thick. The object appears to be artificial as it has geometry and symmetry.
Dome and cube found on Mars (click for larger image)
The only way to see the object clearly is by using the NASA image viewer located to the left of the web page. Click the “Toggle full page” icon followed by the “Zoom in” icon. Click on “Zoom in” until the maximum image size is displayed. The object is located in the middle right of the image.
I followed the process described above, combining several screenshots into a large, complete image which you can download here (file size: 2.78 Mbytes).
I tried downloading the original PNG, GIF, JPEG, TIFF and PDF files; however the resolution of each is too low to see the object clearly. Perhaps try downloading the JP2 file?
On 29 December 2006 NASA released this image (PSP_001984_1735) taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera.
“Mars archaeologists” claim they have discovered a UFO flying saucer that crashed on the Martian surface.
Case #4: Crashed disc found on Mars?:
The crash site, in the Candor Chasma region of Mars, has the coordinates: 6°25’40.89 S 76°53’48.65 W (Google Earth).
Shown in the image is a half-buried disc-like object approximately 13 metres diameter. A long trench can be seen behind the object inferring it may be a craft that crash landed on the Martian surface, hitting the surface at high speed and low trajectory angle.
Crashed disc found on Mars (click for larger image)
The object can be seen in both images on Google Earth (Mars) and on the NASA HiRISE website respectively (the possible crash site is located to the top right in the NASA image).
On 10 February 2008 NASA released this image (PSP_007230_2170) taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE camera.
Looking at the complete image you will note not just the massive dome but also many, destroyed and half buried “glass tubes” in the Martian soil (click on the image below for a larger view).
Case #3: Massive dome in crater on Mars:
Many may argue that this is not a dome but rather the bottom of the crater that was filled with water and later dried up and left a wavy pattern in the Martian soil.
Massive dome in crater on Mars (click for larger image)
This may seem plausible, however NASA’s description of the image states: “Crater with Textured Mound in Central Acidalia Planitia” inferring it is actually a spherical, dome-like object casting a shadow on the crater wall.
A similar dome was built at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, but was dismantled in January 2010.