A recorded livestream hangout in which Chris and I covered a variety of topics which include: Mars anomalies, Secret Space Program (SSP), living on Mars/technology and much more.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
A recorded livestream hangout in which Chris and I covered a variety of topics which include: Mars anomalies, Secret Space Program (SSP), living on Mars/technology, Inter-Dimensional Phenomena and much more.
My YouTube video featuring ‘LIVESTREAM #1 (Recorded): With Chris from Mars Anomalies and Beyond:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
Today I received awesome news, the Journal about my Cydonia 2.0 discovery written and researched by George J. Haas founder of The Cydonia Institute and member of The Society for Planetary SETI Research (SPSR), was published on The Cydonia Institute website.
Dr. John Brandenburg has added The Raptor Zone Complex to his Dead Civilization Hypothesis which presents strong evidence for a widespread dead, humanoid civilization on Mars.
Thank you for acknowledging my work and research George and your time in researching these discoveries in-depth.
George is also researching my Chewbacca Face discovery. I look forward to reviewing that paper in the future too.
The Cydonia Institute Raptor Zone Journal Listing (click for larger image)The Cydonia Institute Raptor Zone Journal – 1st page screen shot (click for larger image)Dr John Brandenburg Supports The Cydonia Institute Raptor Zone Journal (click for larger image)
My YouTube video featuring ‘The Cydonia Institute Publishes the Mars Raptor Zone Complex Journal:’
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
Following great commentary and suggestions from the viewers I decided to do a follow up video looking at two more strange anomalies very similar to those featured in the previous video.
Thank you to ‘Thats Not A Rock,’ Wendy and Dale for pointing out the new anomalies and MarsForm Barnsy (Wayne) for additional analysis.
The two new anomalies feature in Sol’s 1267 and 844 respectively.
I call these two anomalies ‘critters’ for the lack of a better term to describe them.
They appear to be some kind of creatures, maybe plant life like moss, fossilized coral or some type of biological life forms.
‘Critter’ in Sol 844:
Curiosity’s location in Sol 844 (click for larger image)Curiosity’s location in Sol 844 (click for larger image)‘Critter’ in Sol 844 (click for larger image)
‘Critters’ in Sol 1267:
Curiosity’s location in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)Curiosity’s location in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)‘Critter’ in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)‘Critter’ in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)
My YouTube video featuring ‘Curiosity Snaps More Strange ‘Critters’ on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
I highly appreciate your contribution. Your contribution, no matter how small, will assist me in with administration running my YouTube Channel, Blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts and it will help cover my running costs/overheads like Internet fees (connectivity and hosting) and logistics.
I spend tens of hours researching, creating presentations, videoing and editing videos every month.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
Here I feature two rather strange orange coloured anomalies. Eahck taken by Curiosity Rover on Sol’s 710 and 1267 respectively.
I call these two anomalies ‘critters’ for the lack of a better term to describe them.
The one you might be familiar with as it was even featured in mainstream media some time ago.
They appear to be some kind of creatures, maybe plant life – some type of biological life forms.
The one in the shade seems to have it’s legs or tentacles spread out around it which the other basking in the sunlight has it legs or tentacles next to one another, it even looks like it has two small black eyes.
‘Critter’ in Sol 710:
Curiosity’s location in Sol 710 (click for larger image)Curiosity’s location in Sol 710 (click for larger image)‘Critter’ in Sol 710 (click for larger image)
‘Critter’ in Sol 1267:
Curiosity’s location in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)Curiosity’s location in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)‘Critter’ in Sol 1267 (click for larger image)
My YouTube video featuring ‘Curiosity Snaps Two Strange ‘Critters’ on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
I highly appreciate your contribution. Your contribution, no matter how small, will assist me in with administration running my YouTube Channel, Blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts and it will help cover my running costs/overheads like Internet fees (connectivity and hosting) and logistics.
I spend tens of hours researching, creating presentations, videoing and editing videos every month.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
Interesting to see mainstream science changing their view on Mars and the potential that life will be discovered there soon, to quote: ‘Inevitable and IMMINENT’
Scientists have always regarded Mars to be a dead, desolate planet with little to no activity. However, with all the scientific discoveries made thus far we can only conclude that Mars is actually not so dead and desolate after all.
Martian scientific discoveries, to date:
Underground Water Lake near South Pole detected by Mars Express Obiter
Water seeping up through the Martian surface photographed by Curiosity Rover and MRO HiRISE
Clouds (some hundreds of km long, e.g. Arsia Mons) photographed by Rover Curiosity, MRO HiRISE and Mars Express Obiter
Quakes or Tremors measured by InSight Lander
Methane Gas detected by Rover Curiosity and Mars Express Obiter
Water Ice detected at the Poles
Fossilized bacteria photographed in Martian asteroids found on Earth
Blue Sky as shown in InSight Lander’s 1st photograph returned after landing on Mars (later to be changed by NASA to red/orange)
Massive landslides as photographed by MRO HiRISE
Is this drip-drip disclosure/confirmation to prepare us for the news that we are NOT alone?
Discovery of life on Mars ‘Inevitable and IMMINENT’ – Source: express.co.uk (click for larger image)Discovery of life on Mars ‘Inevitable and IMMINENT’ – Source: express.co.uk (click for larger image)Ellen Stofan: ‘I think we are going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade and I think we are going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years’ – Source: Ancient Aliens S12 E09 (2017): Majestic 12 (click for larger image)
FAIR USE NOTICE: This page might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
This is a collaborative work between my friend, Saturn Ark and myself in which evidence showing possible Horseshoe Crab-type fossils on Mars are presented.
Two HiRISE photographs are analyzed here:
PSP_003663_1775 was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 08 May 2007 and is described as ‘Flow Obstructions and Wakes Southeast of Elysium Planitia.’
PSP_007777_1790 was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 24 March 2008 and is described as ‘Vent Belonging to the Cerberus Tholi.’
Extract from Dr. J.E. Brandenburg’s (Plasma Physicist) Presentation:
“Mars was apparently Earth-like for most of its history with an ocean and persistent greenhouse … ”
Mars experienced multiple devastating catastrophes:
“Mars suffered a Chixulube-size impact formed the Lyot Impact Basin and apparently collapsed Mars climate and dried up its oceans … “
Following an “indeterminate period Mars suffered a bizarre nuclear disaster … “
Reference: Evidence for a Large Anomalous Nuclear Explosions in Mars Past Dr. J.E. Brandenburg
Two massive nuclear explosions Source: Dr. J.E. BrandenburgEpic flooding in Elysium Planitia Wikipedia
My Hypothesis
Due to the Earth-like conditions, creatures similar to Horseshoe Crabs lived on Mars. They grew to epic proportions due to the lower gravity.
Mega flooding occurred with the initial impact in Lyot Impact Basin.
The oceans and lakes dried up and left mud and water pools scattered about.
Water based life-forms, like Horseshoe Crab-like creatures seemed to have survived in the mud and surrounding water pools.
These life-forms appear to have been killed and stopped in their tracks probably due to the nuclear explosion nearby, they then decomposed and fossilized. Only their tracks and fossilized remnants are now seen on Mars.
Elysium Planitia, the plains where they appear to have lived, is close to the 1st nuclear explosion in Mare Acidalium’s anti-node and just South of the 2nd nuclear explosion in Utopia Planum.
The mega-flooding and nuclear explosions devastated the Martian surface as seen in all the anomalies/artefacts researchers like myself are discovering.
A Mars context map
The following map shows the section of Mars being analyzed. I think NASA knows about the megalithic block, ruins, structures, water and fossilized creatures I discovered, i.e. both InSight Lander as well as Curiosity Rover are nearby.
A Mars context map showing the section of Mars being analyzed (click for larger image)
Photographs taken of Horseshoe Carbs on Earth
The following photographs show the track left by Horseshoe Crabs which are similar to those found on Mars, i.e. long straight paths, constant width, depth and small parallel ridges on either side of the tracks.
Horseshoe Crab (click for larger image)Horseshoe Crab (click for larger image)
A HiRISE photograph taken of rolling bolder on Mars
Note the boulder track does not look at all like the tracks left by Horseshoe Crabs, i.e. random dot-dash line.
Rolling boulder on Mars (ESP_037190_1765) (click for larger image)
HiRISE photographs: Analysis
PSP_003663_1775 was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 08 May 2007 and is described as ‘Flow Obstructions and Wakes Southeast of Elysium Planitia.’
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)A closer look at a path left by Horseshoe crab on Mars (click for larger image)A closer look at a path left by Horseshoe crab on Mars (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Original image at 1:1 scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Original image at 1:1 scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Original image at 1:1 scale (click for larger image)
PSP_007777_1790 was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 24 March 2008 and is described as ‘Vent Belonging to the Cerberus Tholi.’
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)A closer look at a path left by Horseshoe crab on Mars (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Zoomed out view, not to scale (click for larger image)Original image at 1:1 scale (click for larger image)
Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.
Geometry lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.
Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
The photograph analyzed here (ESP_057289_1180) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 16 October 2018 and is described as ‘USGS Dune Database Entry Number 2484-618.’
Anomalies found in this photograph very from megalithic to perhaps ancient fossils. There are many artefacts with knobs, domes or spheres in their centers, what might be wreckage and I even speculate ancient shell fossils.
The entire area looks like it may have been under water, the broken pieces look like broken shells as seen on beaches on Earth.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)(click for larger image)
Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.
Geometry lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.
Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
On 25 July 2018 the ESA announced that it’s Mars Express Orbiter discovered a huge liquid water lake under the Martian surface near the South Pole using its on board radar.
ESA images showing details of the recent discovery (click for larger image)
About 1000 km to the west, in an MOC photograph (M0901354) taken by NASA in 1999, we can see what appears to be a lake surrounded by vegetation as well as what looks like a long, straight, artificial shore-line to the West with equally spaced and sized anomalies in a straight line.
An area showing a lake on the Martian surface about 1000 km to the west of the underground liquid water lake (click for larger image)
A MRO HiRISE photograph (ESP_023024_1010) taken of the same area about 12 years later shows the lake, however it seems it has either dried up or frozen over. The surrounding vegetation also seems to have died and vanished.
I speculate that due to the pressure Elon Musk’s SpaceX and their race to Mars is placing the agencies involved in a decades long cover up, the truth is being revealed in a slow, soft disclosure fashion.
I further speculate that we will soon hear that liquid water has been discovered on the Martian surface.
Recent disclosure/confirmation events:
Here is a list of the latest disclosure or confirmation events that have reached mainstream news recently, note the short time frame:
The following MRO CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W) shows the general area in which the ESA discovered the underground liquid water lake:
Area to the north of CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W) (click for larger image)Area to the south of CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W) (click for larger image)
Lake and vegetation found on Mars:
The two photographs analysed below show what appears to be a lake on the Martian surface.
The first photograph (M09-01354) shows what looks like liquid water and vegetation surrounding the lake.
Lake and vegetation found on Mars, note the artificial shore-line to the left with equally spaced and sized anomalies in a straight line (M09-01354) (click for larger image)
The second photograph (ESP_023024_1010) taken about 12 years later appears to show a dried up lake bed and it looks like the vegetation surrounding it has died.
The following images show a smaller lake located to the north in this CTX photograph:
Smaller Lake to the north (zoomed out) (click for larger image)Smaller Lake to the north (click for larger image)Smaller Lake to the north (click for larger image)
The following images show a larger lake located to the south in this CTX photograph:
Larger Lake to the south (zoomed out) (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Upon closer inspection it looks like the shore-line of the larger lake in the earlier photograph is narrower than in the second photograph indicating the presence of might very well be water, therefore the deduction can be made that the shore-line being wider in the second photograph is as a result of the lack of water.
The vegetation may have died or dried out due to a seasonal change, e.g. being winter at the time the second photograph was taken. We have seen dramatic changes on the Martian surface during summer months when liquid water is seen seeping out of the sand and running down gullies, etc. It might be that the vegetation may return during summer months on Mars.
Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.
Geometry lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.
Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”