Water, Structures, Ruins and Wreckage in Elysium Planitia on Mars

The photograph analyzed here (ESP_036562_1820) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 15 May 2014 and is described as ‘Enigmatic Terrain in Elysium Planitia.’

Here I present more megalithic blocks, ruins, structures, potentially another classic UFO-type craft (as found previously) and what appears to be various wreckage.

An elevated view of this site being analyzed
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)
An elevated view of this site being analyzed
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)
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Original NASA source:


My YouTube video featuring ‘Water, Structures, Ruins and Wreckage in Elysium Planitia on Mars:’

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications to be notified when new videos are uploaded.

Also visit Twitter page @RaptorZN_.


Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.

Geometry lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.

Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.

In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.

My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.

As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”

SPECIAL EDITION Similar Craft and Tech found on Mars

This Special Edition focuses on what I speculate are similar or matching craft and technology found in various location on the Martian surface.

There are three proposed categories into which I place these:

  • Outpost-type structures
  • Mining-type machines
  • UFO-type craft with typical disc and large domes
  • UFO-type craft with typical disc and small domes
  • Delta-wing-type craft
  • Underground entrance-way’s, hatch’s or air-vent’s

The mining-type machines may however be some type of unidentified air-craft or some other type of machinery or technology, he purpose of which is unknown.

Likewise, the outpost-type structures might be some type of machinery or technology, maybe even dwellings, underground entrance-ways or air-vents.

The anomalies in the last two categories might even be the same type of technology, just in differing states of disrepair.

Until a closer investigation by NASA into these anomalies is made I can only speculate about what they might or might not be. None-the-less, there are geometric shape and size similarities between these anomalies that cannot be ignored.

Following are examples of similar or matching craft and objects I found unless indicated otherwise:

Outpost-type structures:

Outpost-type Structure: I (ESP_013864_1220)
Outpost-type Structure: I (ESP_013864_1220) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_013864_1220

Outpost-type Structure: II (ESP_027043_2290)
Outpost-type Structure: II (ESP_027043_2290) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_027043_2290

Outpost-type Structure: III (ESP_013864_1220)
Outpost-type Structure: III (ESP_013864_1220) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_013864_1220

Outpost-type Structure: IV (ESP_013244_1275)
Outpost-type Structure: IV (ESP_013244_1275) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_013244_1275

Outpost-type Structure: V (ESP_013864_1220)
Outpost-type Structure: V (ESP_013864_1220) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_013864_1220

Outpost-type Structure: VI (ESP_038846_1345)
Outpost-type Structure: VI (ESP_038846_1345) (click for larger image)

This outpost-type structure was discovered by Kaslito, one of my Facebook followers.

strong>Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_038846_1345

Mining-type machines:

Mining-type Machine: I (ESP_028379_1405)
Mining-type Machine: I (ESP_028379_1405) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_028379_1405

Mining-type Machine: II (ESP_024074_1425)
Mining-type Machine: II (ESP_024074_1425) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_024074_1425

UFO-type craft with typical disc and large domes:

UFO-type Craft with large dome: I (ESP_014166_1820)
UFO-type Craft with large dome: I (ESP_014166_1820) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_014166_1820

UFO-type Craft with large dome: II (PSP_007740_2250)
UFO-type Craft with large dome: II (PSP_007740_2250) (click for larger image)

This UFO-type craft was discovered by my friend Saturn Ark.

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/PSP_007740_2250

UFO-type craft with typical disc and small domes:

This type of craft is found in almost all the megalithic blocks and ruins I cover in previous Blog Posts and YouTube video’s, thus I only showing one prime example of such a craft below:

UFO-type Craft with small dome: I (ESP_014166_1820)
UFO-type Craft with small dome: I (xx) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/PSP_005867_1330

Delta-wing-type craft:

Delta-wing-type craft: I (ESP_013244_1275)
Delta-wing-type Craft: I (ESP_013244_1275) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_013244_1275

Delta-wing-type craft: II (ESP_016623_1495)
Delta-wing-type Craft: II (ESP_016623_1495) (click for larger image)

This delta-wing-type craft was discovered by my friend Saturn Ark.

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_016623_1495

Underground entrance-way’s, hatch’s or air-vent’s:

This type of anomaly is found in almost all the megalithic blocks and ruins I cover in previous Blog Posts and YouTube video’s, thus I only showing one prime example of such an anomaly below:

Underground entrance-way, hatch or air-tent: I (ESP_013864_1220)
Underground entrance-way, hatch or air-tent: I (ESP_013864_1220) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source: https://www.uahirise.org/ESP_013864_1220

My YouTube video featuring ‘SPECIAL EDITION Similar Craft and Tech found on Mars:’

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications to be notified when new videos are uploaded.

Also visit Twitter page @RaptorZN_.


Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.

Geometry lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.

Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.

In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.

My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.

As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”

Huge Liquid Water Lake found on Mars (soft disclosure appears to be escalating)

On 25 July 2018 the ESA announced that it’s Mars Express Orbiter discovered a huge liquid water lake under the Martian surface near the South Pole using its on board radar.

ESA images showing details of the recent discovery
ESA images showing details of the recent discovery (click for larger image)

About 1000 km to the west, in an MOC photograph (M0901354) taken by NASA in 1999, we can see what appears to be a lake surrounded by vegetation as well as what looks like a long, straight, artificial shore-line to the West with equally spaced and sized anomalies in a straight line.

An area showing a lake on the Martian surface about 1000 km to the west of the underground liquid water lake
An area showing a lake on the Martian surface about 1000 km to the west of the underground liquid water lake (click for larger image)

A MRO HiRISE photograph (ESP_023024_1010) taken of the same area about 12 years later shows the lake, however it seems it has either dried up or frozen over. The surrounding vegetation also seems to have died and vanished.

I speculate that due to the pressure Elon Musk’s SpaceX and their race to Mars is placing the agencies involved in a decades long cover up, the truth is being revealed in a slow, soft disclosure fashion.

I further speculate that we will soon hear that liquid water has been discovered on the Martian surface.

Recent disclosure/confirmation events:

Here is a list of the latest disclosure or confirmation events that have reached mainstream news recently, note the short time frame:

Underground Lake found on Mars:

The following MRO CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W) shows the general area in which the ESA discovered the underground liquid water lake:

Area to the north of CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W)
Area to the north of CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W) (click for larger image)
Area to the south of CTX photograph
Area to the south of CTX photograph (F12_040281_0982_XN_81S165W) (click for larger image)

Lake and vegetation found on Mars:

The two photographs analysed below show what appears to be a lake on the Martian surface.

The first photograph (M09-01354) shows what looks like liquid water and vegetation surrounding the lake.

Lake and vegetation found on Mars, note the artificial shore-line to the left with equally spaced and sized anomalies in a straight line (M09-01354)
Lake and vegetation found on Mars, note the artificial shore-line to the left with equally spaced and sized anomalies in a straight line (M09-01354) (click for larger image)

The second photograph (ESP_023024_1010) taken about 12 years later appears to show a dried up lake bed and it looks like the vegetation surrounding it has died.

The following images show a smaller lake located to the north in this CTX photograph:

Smaller Lake to the north (zoomed out)
Smaller Lake to the north (zoomed out) (click for larger image)
Smaller Lake to the north
Smaller Lake to the north (click for larger image)
Smaller Lake to the north
Smaller Lake to the north (click for larger image)

The following images show a larger lake located to the south in this CTX photograph:

Larger Lake to the south (zoomed out)
Larger Lake to the south (zoomed out) (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)
Larger Lake to the south
Larger Lake to the south (click for larger image)

Upon closer inspection it looks like the shore-line of the larger lake in the earlier photograph is narrower than in the second photograph indicating the presence of might very well be water, therefore the deduction can be made that the shore-line being wider in the second photograph is as a result of the lack of water.

The vegetation may have died or dried out due to a seasonal change, e.g. being winter at the time the second photograph was taken. We have seen dramatic changes on the Martian surface during summer months when liquid water is seen seeping out of the sand and running down gullies, etc. It might be that the vegetation may return during summer months on Mars.

Original NASA sources:

Underground Water:


Lake with vegetation:



News articles:

Mars Express detects liquid water hidden under planet’s south pole: http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Mars_Express/Mars_Express_detects_liquid_water_hidden_under_planet_s_south_pole

Radar evidence of subglacial liquid water on Mars: http://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2018/07/24/science.aar7268.full

Elon Musk responds to Boeing’s claim it will beat SpaceX to Mars: ‘Do it’ https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/01/elon-musk-responds-to-boeings-claim-it-will-beat-spacex-to-mars.html

My YouTube video featuring ‘Huge Liquid Water Lake found on Mars (soft disclosure appears to be escalating):’

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications to be notified when new videos are uploaded.

Also visit Twitter page @RaptorZN_.


Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.

Geometry lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.

Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.

In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.

My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.

As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”

Orange orbs (enhanced)

I enhanced the photograph of the three orange orb’s using PhotoZoom Pro 7 in an attempt to obtain a more detailed view of the objects. I removed noise and JPEG artefacts; I only managed to reduce over-exposure to a limited extent though. The crescent shape objects are however more visible.

Orange Orb (left)
Orange Orb (left)
Orange Orb (right)
Orange Orb (right)
Orange Orb (top)
Orange Orb (top)

Upon further analysis of the original photograph, Dscn2814.jpg contained in the Zip file, I noticed a small red orb located to the middle-left. I also enhanced it using PhotoZoom Pro 7 and the following image was produced. Weird, don’t know if it may be an artefact caused by a reflection off the camera lens?

Red Orb (middle-top)
Red Orb (middle-top)

I will try different techniques to enhance the photograph/s; I’ll post the results here from time to time.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications to be notified when new videos are uploaded.

Also visit Twitter page @RaptorZN_

Orange orbs and gigantic crescent object seen over The Reeds, Centurion, South Africa

Saturday, 7 January 2012, 09:41 PM: It was a warm, cloudy summer evening. It was close to full moon and there was a light breeze in the air. I was outside taking a smoke break. I looked up at the bright moon towards the north. It was then that I noticed an orange orb moving in a straight line slowly across the sky in a southerly direction towards me; emitting no sound as it did so. I noted its light did not flicker or blink on and off. There was no visible smoke and/or floating devices above it. I knew this was odd so I quickly got my camera and started taking photographs. Soon there were two more, all moving in unison. Fifteen (15) minutes later they were gone, suddenly fading into the distant horizon. I stood outside for a while totally confused at what I had just witnessed, went inside and commenced downloading the photographs onto my PC.

Orange Orbs
Orange Orbs

Below is the same photograph with zoomed images of the three orbs inserted next to each including the vectors indicating direction of movement, etc.

Orange Orbs Direction Vectors
Orange Orbs Direction Vectors

About an hour later I went outside to check that the garden gates were locked as I was about to hit the hay for the night. It was then that the main event happened. I thought the orange orbs were strange, but above me, slowly moving in a southerly direction was a football field size (100 m in length) crescent shape object, dark grey in colour. I estimate it was about thirty (30) metres above my house and moving forward at a walking pace. It had no lights and emitted no sound. I stood there for a while, scared, yet excited; not sure what to do, i.e. run and hide or try to get its attention. Eventually I did run inside to fetch the camera. Regrettably, when I returned it was nowhere to be seen.

Below is an illustration I drew of the dark grey, crescent object:

Dark Grey Crescent Object
Dark Grey Crescent Object

Later I analysed the photographs and the sequence in which they had been taken and came to the following conclusions:

  • The breeze was slowly moving the clouds in an easterly direction.
  • The orange orbs were moving towards me in a southerly direction.
  • They moved in unison, in a straight line and did not drop in altitude, kept the same distance between each other and moved at the same velocity.
  • Upon zooming into the orange orbs they also had what seem to have crescent shapes and oddly enough they seem to be facing the center point of the triangle formation they formed.
  • The intensity of the orange light emitted by the orbs remained constant, did not flicker or blink on and off.
  • There are two military air force bases in the area so I am familiar with aircraft of all shapes and sizes, these objects were clearly something else. I’ve never seen anything like it before.

Original Photographs:

I have zipped all the original, untouched, raw photographs I had taken. You are welcome to download the ZIP file. You will note that they contain the Meta Data of the camera settings, date and time, etc. Understandably there is motion blur due to the fact that I was shaking with a degree of fear and excitement. The photographs that appear to be just black sky do have objects in them, just increase the brightness and contrast accordingly.

Questions arising:

Is it a coincidence that the Chinese Lanterns were followed by a massive crescent shape blimp/drone? I don’t think that’s normal.
Don’t lights from Chinese Lanterns flicker and vary in intensity and don’t they follow variable, random paths through the sky?
Why was there a massive crescent shape object in the vicinity too? If it was a blimp/done why didn’t it have any lights on, after all isn’t it a legal requirement to have lights on even during daylight?

  • Why did the orange orbs also appear to have a crescent shape?
  • Why did they face each other and not down due to gravity?
  • Why did they follow a path perpendicular to the wind direction?

Did anyone else in the area at the time see this event? What exactly did I witness? UFO’s? A secret military exercise?

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications to be notified when new videos are uploaded.

Also visit Twitter page @RaptorZN_