This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2007-01-08T00:38:33.833.
NASA describes this as an image as ” Deuteronilus Colles and surrounding landforms.”
I discovered what I think are active mining operations on Mars, for easy viewing I created separate images of each potential mining site.
The following images from P03_002112_2208_XN_40N337W show, what I consider to be, open-pit mining quarry’s with dust clouds in and around the area of each mining site. The mere presence of dust clouds at these particular sites implies that these mines are active.
Open-pit mining quarry’s with dust clouds visible in the Martian atmosphere:

The following images from P03_002112_2208_XN_40N337W show, what I think to be, the excavation of huge stone monoliths:
Excavating huge stone monoliths:

The following images from P03_002112_2208_XN_40N337W show other miscellaneous mining sites:
Miscellaneous mining sites:

The following images from P03_002112_2208_XN_40N337W show what I think looks like hollowed out shelters or hangers:
Hollowed out shelters or hangers:

I’ll add the disc-like craft and triangular craft I discovered in this image, P03_002112_2208_XN_40N337W, to the appropriate Blog entry.
Original NASA source:
I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the page to view these anomalies.
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