Sequence of Events:
27 August 1941: Mr. Tombaugh reports seeing a flash on the surface of the Planet Mars and ascribes the Flash to and atomic explosion of some sort

17 May 1997: Hubble photograph reveals an Abnormally high plume, similar to those that would be spotted by the amateur astronomers in 2012

March and April 2012: Amateur astronomers report definite plume-like features developing on the planet

13 September 2018: ESA’s Mars Express Orbiter photographs an elongated cloud on Mars just to the West of Arsia Mons which extends 1500 km Westward

2011: Dr. John E. Brandenburg, a plasma physicist, reveals data from the gamma ray spectrometer onboard the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter shows an elevated ratio of 129Xenon to 132Xenon in the atmosphere of Mars which could only be explained as the after signature of weapons grade nuclear
explosions. He suggests that massive explosions occurred in in Mare Acidalium at approximately 50°N 30°W, near Cydonia Mensa and in Utopia
Planum at approximately 50°N 120°W near Galaxias Chaos

August 2019: SpaceX’s Elon Musk proposes nuking Mars to terraform the surface

September 2019: InSight Lander detects pulsations in the Martian magnetic field that happen at local midnight, “as if responding to the demands of an
unseen, nocturnal timer”

Large-Scale Industrial Complex on Mars?
Here I feature three sites that look like large scale industrial complexes that I discovered on Mars.
Site I:
From my video: Bizarre Grid-Like Structures In Atlantis Chaos on Mars

Site II:
From my video: Mars Atlantis Chaos ‘Creature, Craft Wing’ and More?

Site III:
From my video: ‘Transit-Hubs’ and More in Atlantis Chaos City on Mars?

My YouTube video featuring ‘The God of War: The Martian War Chronicles:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Original research source material:
Original NASA sources:
Links to all my other sites: (Mars anomalies) (Mars anomalies) (my website) (weather satellites) (social and political issues)
Contributions (Patreon and PayPal):
I highly appreciate your contribution. Your contribution, no matter how small, will assist me in with administration running my YouTube Channel, Blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts and it will help cover my running costs/overheads like Internet fees (connectivity and hosting) and logistics.
I spend tens of hours researching, creating presentations, videoing and editing videos every month.
Your support is very highly appreciated.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.