Another look at some ground-level artifacts snapped by Curiosity Rover on Sol 618.
Featured here are very compelling artifacts that appear to be blocks of a building or structure. Of particular interest are the straight edges and right angles of the blocks as well as a few with symmetrical bevels.
The blocks are likely less than a metre long/wide as they do not show up in HiRISE photographs of the same area.
In Elysium Planitia, on the other hand, I have found huge megalithic blocks.
There are similar ruins found on Earth, e.g. Puma Punku’s Ruins, Baalbek’s Pregnant Woman of the South respectively.
Below is an example of equivalent ruins found on Earth, i.e. Puma Punku:

On both Mars and Earth there are small blocks as well as huge blocks, might this indicate we have a common inter-solar system ancestry?
Curiosity Rover Location on Sol 618:
Below are two Maps showing Curiosity Rovers path and specific Sol’s.

Curiosity Rover as photographed by HiRISE:
The photograph below shows the Cusriosity Rover and photographed by the MRO HiRISE camera on 31 May 2019.
This is a good example of the HiRISE camera resolution capabilities, the best being 25 cm/pixel. The artifacts featured here are less than a metre long/wide so too small to show up in HiRISE photographs.

Artifacts photographed by Curiosity Rover on Sol 618:
Below are some of the artifacts found in the photographs taken by Curiosity Rover on Sol 618.

Original NASA sources:
Main Map Browser:
Gigapan by Todd:
My YouTube video featuring ”Ruin’ Spotted Near Mount Sharp/Aeolis Mons Mars:’
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I spend tens of hours researching, creating presentations, videoing and editing videos every month.
Your support is very highly appreciated.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.