This photograph (F05_037568_2176_XN_37N301W) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2014-08-01T20:25:36.956.
NASA describes this photograph as “Ride-along with HiRISE.”
I found what looks like two pieces of bent pipe or tubing on the Martian surface.
Upon closer analysis they look similar to vehicle exhaust pipes, I’m not saying that’s what these are, but they sure look alike.
They also don’t look anything like the mostly straight sedimentary lines “ribs” in the area and seem out of place, they even seem to be curved and cast shadows on the surface.

Original NASA source:
I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view these anomalies.
Please let me know what you think these may be, could they be pipes or tubing or sediment that settled at the bottom of the hills?
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