Could this be a wall, object or structure on the Martian surface?

This photograph (PSP_006857_2005) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 12 January 2008.

NASA describes this photograph as “Eastern Nili Fossae.”

I discovered what looks like an artificial structure or object lying at the opening of a hole or crater on the Martian surface.

This anomaly looks totally out of place due to it’s straight, uniform shape.

Could this be a wall, object or structure on the Martian surface?
Could this be a wall, object or structure on the Martian surface? (click for larger image)

UPDATE: A Big thank you to Todd, Administrator at WhatsUpInTheSky, who uploaded a RDR PDS version to GigaPan (zoom-in and check out the high level of detail in this photograph). Todd also pointed out other Martian surface anomalies well worth a second look, check it out here.

Possible city on Mars?
Possible city on Mars?
Suzhou, Jingsu, China
Suzhou, Jingsu, China

Original NASA source:

GigaPan image:

WhatsUpInTheSky Post:

Original NASA source (Suzhou, Jingsu, China):

Original NASA source Suzhou, Jingsu, China:

Could these anomalies be a wall, structure, long pointed object and possibly a city or natural occurring geological features?

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