This photograph (PSP_006204_0985) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 22 November 2007.
NASA describes this photograph as “Inca City – Monitoring of Evolution.”
These anomalies could be natural but they do look interesting none-the-less:
- The terraces are clearly visible with a distinct, very narrow “S” feature.
- The “X” or cross looks geometrical and has symmetry, 90 degree angles.
- The “Spiders” are located to the right of the photograph.
- There are several, narrow, oblong hills or features scattered across this terrain as well as another geometric, symmetrical feature to the far right.

Original NASA source:
Interesting name NASA chose to describe this HiRISE photo, could these anomalies be natural geological formations or was some intelligence involved with these?
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