Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars?

This photograph (ESP_028440_1100) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 20 August 2012.

NASA describes this photograph as “USGS Dune Database Entry Number 1650-697.”

The name says it all … perhaps the image guys at NASA didn’t know what to make of these weird pyramid-like anomalies either.

The anomalies appear to consist of chevron-type centres and triangular-type pyramids on opposite sides and they look virtually identical. I see geometry, symmetry and structure in these anomalies.

Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars? - I
Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars? – I (click for larger image)
Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars? - II
Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars? – II (click for larger image)

Below is an illustration I did and my interpretation of the average shape and geometry of these anomalies:

Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars? - Illustration
Weird Pyramid-Like Structures found on Mars? – Illustration

Original NASA source:

I downloaded the HiRise B&W Map-Projected JP2 file to view these anomalies.

Could these be structures, vents, underground entrance-ways, habitats, plants or even craft or just natural occurring geological features?

If they are naturally occurring does anyone know how these shapes are produced in nature … erosion by wind, water, both?

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