NASA’s Curiosity Rover captured this sequence of images on Sol 613; 28 April 2014 starting at 04:48:22 UTC to 04:56:09 UTC.
The sequence is almost 8 minutes long, thus this object cannot be a meteorite.
Case #10: Massive cigar shaped craft hovering in the Martian sky:
I recon this is one of the craft used in the Secret Space Program. Whistleblower Corey Goode has revealed that this cigar shaped craft, amongst many others, is used in the Secret Space Program.

Corey Goode indicates that there are two cigar shaped craft in use, a smaller version and this 2 km long version.

Disappointingly NASA has only provided thumbnail size images of this sequence on their website which is irregular as the vast majority of other images they release are available in high resolution. Is this a deliberate cover-up?
Click the link below to see the sequence of images on the NASA website (scroll down to the “Right Navigation Cameras (Navcams)” section)
Original NASA source:
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