This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2008-07-06T17:59:30.940.
NASA describes this image as “Terrain north of Mawrth Vallis.”
Case #23: Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater:
I discovered what appears to be a massive dome or spherical object or structure with an estimated diameter of 450 metres inside a crater on Mars.

Unlike a similar, smaller dome or sphere I found this one does not appear to be self-illuminating, however it does seem to be covered in Martian dust so it’s difficult to say for certain.
Original NASA source:
I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view this anomaly.
Is this a natural, round bulge in the centre of the crater or a structure, perhaps another dome base station?
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