My review of the 1989 Kalahari UFO Incident – South Africa’s Roswell.

I also go over the feasibility of the dates, times, locations and bearings as stated in the South African Air Force (SAAF) Intelligence Report as well as it’s aesthetics.
The data and information presented in the SAAF Intelligence Report appears feasible.
Furthermore, based on this finding and all the supporting evidence I am convinced that the 1989 Kalahari UFO Incident more than likely did happened.
The evidence is very compelling and this incident deserves further investigation.
What is analyzed here?
- Aesthetic details of the leaked SAAF Intelligence Report
- The locations, bearings, dates and times stated in the report
- Background/historical information

Sequence of events
7 May (time not specified): An unidentified flying craft is spotted by NORAD on a heading towards South Africa over the Indian Ocean

7 May (time not specified): The craft approaches South African air
space in a North Westerly direction at an incredibly high speed calculated to be 5746 nautical miles per hour (10641 km/h)

7 May, 13H45: Naval Frigate SAS Tafelberg spots the craft on radar
and notifies DF Malan Air Port which confirms the craft sighting on their radar

7 May, 13H52: Craft enters South African air space. The SAAF is
informed and two Mirage jet fighters are dispatched from Valhalla AFB
to intercept the craft. Shortly thereafter the craft suddenly changes its path to a Northerly direction

7 May, 13H59: The fighter jets subsequently make radar and then visual
contact and try to communicate with the craft with no success

7 May, 14H02: The pilots are instructed to shoot down the craft using their Thor 2 Laser/maser weapons (Physicist Charles H. Townes designs 1st Maser in 1952)

The craft is hit, loses control and falls into a steep downward trajectory and eventually crashes in the Kalahari Desert

The craft remains intact with one of its landing gear deployed (only find out later humanoids on board the craft survive the crash)

The pilots remain in the area until a recovery team arrives together with a medical team

The craft including the aliens is apparently taken to a military base called Camp 13 not far from the crash
The craft hatch partially opens, hydraulic equipment is used to pry open
the hatch

Two aliens stagger out, one is injured, the other appears unharmed. There are other reports that there was a third alien found inside the craft which might have survived

By their anatomy the two aliens are identified to be typical “grey’s”

A doctor tries to draw blood from one of the aliens and is viciously
attached leaving the doctor with deep scratches to the face and chest
(apparently the alien was defending itself). The aliens also refuse to
eat food given to them

Meanwhile a team removes the lose technological devices from within
the craft
Another team analyses the strange ‘Hieroglyphic’ symbols inside the craft and apparently some time later identify an alphabet
An American Recovery Team arrives soon after and on 23 June 1989 they relocate the craft and aliens to Wright-Patterson AFB (USA) in two C-5 Galaxy Transports and in turn provide the South Africans with some type of advanced technology. Apparently the aliens where kept refrigerated to keep them calm

It is also believed that the South Africans did not divulge that there was a third alien and it was hidden from the US team. Some believe that the third alien was actually alive
The aesthetics of the SAAF Intelligence Report
The SADF and SAAF emblems used in the Intelligence report appear correct

The dates, times and units of measure are correct per South African

The units of measure used include both South African metric and US
Imperial standards (verifying the belief that the South African’s and
American’s collaborated on this project)

The craft and aliens depicted are almost 100% identical to those witnessed by Patrol Officer Lonnie Zamora in Socorro, New Mexico with the exception that the emblem on the two craft differed slightly and only one of the landing gear was deployed.

Important background/historical information
On 22 September 1979 a US Vela satellite detects a nuclear explosion South East of South Africa in the region around the Crozet Islands in the Indian Ocean. It has been theorized that the flash was the result of an undeclared nuclear test carried out jointly by South Africa and Israel

The South African Atomic Energy Board (AEB) also selected a nuclear
test site in the Kalahari Desert at the Vastrap weapons range. Two test shafts were completed in 1976 and 1977

It is also theorized that the downed 1989 UFO and aliens where taken
to Camp 13 located in the Kalahari Desert near to the impact site
I have discovered what appear to be aerial craft impact trenches and
runways or roads that end in the middle of nowhere or against hillsides
deep in the Kalahari Desert (could these be indications of downed craft
and hidden military bases?)

deep in the Kalahari Desert (click for larger image)
Numerous UFO’s have spotted over nuclear facilities, e.g. Rendlesham Forest, RAF Woodbridge

I have also discovered both ancient “Nazca” geoglyph-type patterns/lines and ruins in the Kalahari Desert

Numerous UFO sightings have occurred at similar sites and ruins worldwide
UFO researcher and investigator Anthony Dodd (retired police sergeant) did extensive research and investigation into this incident and an interview as well as the SAAF Intelligence Report appeared in a magazine publication of Quest Publications. Mr. Dodd passed away on 24 March 2009 after a long fight with illness. Thank you for your dedication and contribution.

Two independent researchers, Dr. J.J. Hurtak (American ufologist and
Professor of Science) and J. Von Buttlara (a German researcher) conducted their own enquiries and both came to the conclusion that a crash landing had indeed taken place in the Kalahari Desert

Important background/historical information
Apparently there is a printed photocopy of a response to a query from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base that refers to a satellite re-entry
on 7th May 1989 and a confirmation of a “fireball or satellite re-entry”
in the same area on 7th May 1989

The incident was also confirmed by Dithoko Seiso, Botswana’s Environment Minister in a 1993 report in the Cape Town based newspaper called “The Argus.” It is believed that “The Argus” replied as follows to an attempt to obtain further information about the article: “The file has been borrowed and is now missing.”
I have requested a copy of the article from The Argus and am still waiting for a reply.

A look at the bearings, dates and times of the incident in Google Earth
Calculations using the locations, bearings and timeframes specified in the SAAF Intelligence Report as well as the known speed of the two Mirage Jet Fighters and the UFO show the events described may actually have occurred

My Conclusion
The data and information presented in the SAAF Intelligence Report appears feasible
Furthermore, based on this finding and all the supporting evidence I am convinced that the 1989 Kalahari UFO Incident more than likely did happened
The evidence is very compelling and this incident deserves further investigation
SAAF Intelligence Report and the Anthony Dodd Interview:
UFO Crash Lands on Botswana/South Africa Border:
The Lonnie Zamora Incident:
The Vela Incident:
South Africa and Weapons of Mass Destruction:
Directed-energy Weapon:
Maser Device:
Huge Ruins and Geoglyphs in South Africa:
My YouTube video featuring ‘The 1989 Kalahari UFO Incident – South Africa’s Roswell (In Review):’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Links to all my other sites: (Mars anomalies) (Mars anomalies) (my website) (weather satellites) (@RaptorZN_) (Facebook) (social and political issues)
My intention is only to share what I’ve discovered and not to convince anyone that there are aliens visiting Earth or that our Military is actually involved with this phenomena.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”