Broken Statue and Sculpture Pieces found on Mars

This photograph (PSP_008417_1810) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 13 May 2008.

NASA describes this photograph as “Mesa in Hydraotes Chaos.”

I discovered more anomalies which appear to look like broken statue and monument pieces, perhaps even craft.

Check out the sculpture in the shape of a globe!

Pure speculation as always, these anomalies look like something unnatural and are not specifically something unnatural.

Globe-like sculpture
Globe-like sculpture (click for larger image)
Globe-like sculpture at the University of Richmond
Globe-like sculpture at the University of Richmond
Monolith with symbol located to the top centre
Monolith with symbol located to the top centre (click for larger image)
Smashed piece of statue or craft?
Smashed piece of statue or craft? (click for larger image)
Small pyramid
Small pyramid (click for larger image)
Circular object/disc with small triangular object on top and rectangular object with rhombic side
Circular object/disc with small triangular object on top and rectangular object with rhombic side (click for larger image)
Craft wing or piece of statue?
Craft wing or piece of statue? (click for larger image)
Circular disc with triangular object on top, looks like an 'alien' head with two eyes
Circular disc with triangular object on top, looks like an ‘alien’ head with two eyes (click for larger image)
Rectangular object standing on its side
Rectangular object standing on its side (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

I downloaded the HiRise B&W Map-Projected JP2 file to view these anomalies.

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