Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?

This photograph was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2008-06-29T12:07:41.771.

NASA describes this image as “Albedo boundary at dichotomy east of Bamberg Crater.”

Case #27: Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?:

I discovered what appears to be destroyed machinery in a crevasse in an area just West of Cydonia.

The apparently destroyed machinery consists of a rectangular part with a small dome or sphere on top. Next to it is another piece with a 90 degree part in it. This to me looks artificial, could it be?

Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?
Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia? (click for larger image)

I checked the entire photograph and the closest, similar anomaly I could find is this one.

Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?
Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to find this anomaly.

Does this look like artificial, destroyed machinery or might this be a natural geological phenomenon?

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