This photograph (ESP_014166_1820) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 04 August 2009.
NASA describes this photograph as “Possible Layering in Block Material in Hydraotes Chaos.”
I discovered what look like dome-shaped objects, pipes, strange crater/pit anomalies, underground entrances, air-vents, traces of liquid (perhaps water?), vegetation, tracks on the Martian surface, vehicles and craft.
Additional analysis provided by Dawn Hernandez, one of my YouTube Channel Subscribers.
PS: Rotate the ‘disc-like’ craft 180 degrees clockwise to get the true effect. I’ll post a follow-up video in which I look at this anomaly a little closer.
Pure speculation as always, these anomalies look like something unnatural and are not specifically something unnatural.
Hangar/Underground Entrance or Crater? There seems to be a pipe running into the crater/pit (click for larger image)Hangar/Underground Entrance or Crater? The lower rim of the crater appears to be dug out (click for larger image)Boulder or Vehicle? The track runs over an outcrop of rock, direction does not change; furthermore it travels diagonally across the steep incline of the crater wall (click for larger image)Boulders, Craft or ‘Ski-Doo?’ Looks like an elongated dome on top of a large flat disc (click for larger image)Open-pit mining quarry, Hangar/Underground Entrance, Crater/Pit? The crescent-shaped area inside the crater/pit looks geometric, also there appears to be some type of debris or machinery towards the bottom of the crater/pit rim (click for larger image)Underground Entrance, Cave, Air-Vent? It appears as if something is being vented which is leaving a dark-coloured stain on the Martian surface (click for larger image)Strange disc-shaped objects, Air-Vent or Rocks? These objects appear to be leaving a dark-coloured stain on the Martian surface. Might those geometric patterns in the slightly darker ground located to left and slightly above the disc-shaped objects be ruins? (click for larger image)Boulder or Vehicle? The track starts and runs over a flat-plain, a boulder or rock cannot role naturally over a flat plain. The object also appears to be leaving a dark coloured stain on the Martian surface or is that smoke? (click for larger image)