This photograph (ESP_015978_2190) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 23 December 2009.
NASA describes this photograph as “Arcadia Region Domes.”
I discovered a vast terrain covered in artifacts that look like stone discs, blocks, megaliths, perhaps even underground entrance-ways and ventilation caps.
If you like archaeology this one is definitely for you.
Pure speculation as always, these anomalies look like something unnatural and are not specifically something unnatural.
Stone disc and small dome. Rounded triangular object to the right (click for larger image)Stone disc and small dome (click for larger image)Stone disc, half buried (click for larger image)Stone disc and small dome (click for larger image)Stone disc, half buried (click for larger image)Two broken stone discs (click for larger image)Strange disc-like object half buried with a triangular piece on top (click for larger image)Square object with oval piece on top (click for larger image)Square object with a handle on top. Conical object to the top (click for larger image)A cracked object with a small sphere on top of the triangular piece (click for larger image)Square stone block with triangular piece to the left (click for larger image)Square stone block, small square slab and dome on top next to a triangular shaped object (click for larger image)Two pieces that may have been one object (click for larger image)‘Giant rock man’ seen from the top, seen are the head, two shoulders, arms and hands (click for larger image)Broken statue, sculpture? Check out similarity of the two objects to the left as well as the object to the right with three symmetrical pieces on the one side (click for larger image)Rectangular object with rounded corners and small triangular piece attached (click for larger image)Air-vent with long, narrow openings cut along each side? Check out the triangular object on top (click for larger image)Broken wing with straight ridge running across it? Check out the straight edge object above (click for larger image)Long narrow object with rounded side, L-shaped piece and small dome (click for larger image)Rombic-shaped object (click for larger image)Long narrow object with rounded side and a block on top (click for larger image)Rectangular object with five small spheres and a larger one on top (click for larger image)Diamond-shaped object (click for larger image)Diamond shaped object and a piece of petrified wood sticking out of the sand to the right (click for larger image)Pyramid-like object (click for larger image)Half a cone-type object (click for larger image)Disc-like craft impact site? (click for larger image)