Matching Pair of Derelict Classic UFO-Type ‘Craft’ or Objects Found on Mars
A Saturn Ark and RaptorZone Collaboration
This is a collaborative work between Saturn Ark and RaptorZone in which more anomalies and artefacts are presented.
On the 13th of March 2018 I discovered what looks like a small, derelict classic UFO-type ‘craft’ on Mars in a HiRISE photograph (ESP_014166_1820) taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 04 August 2009 and NASA describes this photograph as “Possible Layering in Block Material in Hydraotes Chaos.” It has a larger flat disc and a smaller oval dome on top and measures approximately 8 metres in diameter.
Derelict, classic UFO-type ‘craft’ with larger flat disc and a smaller oval dome on top measuring approximately 8 metres in diameter rotated 180 degrees right (click for larger image)
Below is an illustration I drew of what I perceive the ‘craft’ or object to look like, a part of it is buried in sand therefore I am speculating what the entire object looks like.
Illustration of the classic UFO-type ‘craft’
The two YouTube video’s I created and published featuring the ‘craft’ are included below:
On the 17th of May 2018 my friend, Saturn Ark, discovered a matching derelict ‘craft’ with the same dimensions and shape in another HiRISE photograph 6463 km away. This craft in this photograph appears to be a lot more damaged, almost wrecked, compared to the one I found. The photograph (PSP_007740_2250) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 21 March 2008 and NASA describes this photograph as “Crater in Scalloped and Pitted Terrain in Utopia Planitia.”
Second derelict, classic UFO-type ‘craft’ with larger flat disc and a smaller elongated, dome on top measuring approximately 8 metres in diameter rotated 180 degrees right (click for larger image)The two objects side-by-side
Other anomalies and artefacts found near the second ‘craft:’
Some type of wreckage consisting of multiple rectangular, metallic-looking parts. Could this be wreckage of another type of craft or a machine of some kind? (click for larger image)Two similar parts with rounded curves and well defined edges covered in smaller geometric features on the surfaces. Could these be parts of a craft or pieces of a structure? (click for larger image)Parts of a machine or destroyed structure? Seen are smooth surfaces and well defined edges, the larger, middle piece seems to have a small dome on the right edge (click for larger image)Metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed structure? Some of edges are straight, well defined, with multiple right-angles (click for larger image)Metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed structure? Some of edges are straight, well defined, with multiple right-angles (click for larger image)Metallic-looking parts of a craft or machine? A small dome-like object is seen between the two larger parts (click for larger image)Bent metal plate with parallel grooves running over the surface? (click for larger image)More metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed machine? Some of edges are straight, well defined, with multiple right-angles and there seems to be a small dome-like feature and triangular features on the larger part (click for larger image)A part of a complex machine? It appears to be covered in smaller, circular, pipe-like parts (click for larger image)Another disc-like object with well defined edge and a smaller, rectangular feature on top (click for larger image)More metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed machine? Some of the edges are straight, well defined, with multiple right-angles and there seems to be a small dome-like feature and other pipe-like features on the top (click for larger image)More metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed structure? Some of edges are straight, well defined, with multiple right-angles. The parts also appear to have smaller dome-like features on top (click for larger image)Some type of wreckage consisting of multiple rectangular, metallic-looking parts. Could this be wreckage of another type of craft or a machine of some kind? (click for larger image)Some type of wreckage consisting of multiple rectangular, metallic-looking parts. Could this be wreckage of another type of craft or a machine of some kind? There seems to be a small dome-like feature on the top (click for larger image)Some type of wreckage consisting of a rectangular, metallic-looking part. Could this be wreckage of another type of craft or a machine of some kind? There seems to be a small dome-like feature on the top (click for larger image)Metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed structure? The edges are well defined with smaller features covering the surface (click for larger image)Metallic-type wreckage and parts of a destroyed structure? The edges are well defined with smaller dome-like features covering the surface (click for larger image)
I downloaded the HiRise black and white map-projected image to view these anomalies.