The photograph analyzed here (ESP_023929_1425) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 04 September 2011. NASA describes the photographs as ‘Remnant of Unconformable Deposit in Electris.’
I discovered what appears to be further ancient megalithic ruins consisting of massive, broken megalithic blocks.
Some structures are still relatively intact and show a few blocks that have become dislodged.
Again, there are multiple anomalies that look like wrecked craft, damaged machinery or tech, underground entrance-ways and pieces of sculptures, even what look like a giant hatch.
Are these ancient ruins built by a civilization that lived on Mars in the distant past or were these structures formed through a natural geological processes?
To quote NASA: ‘One goal of this observation is to try to determine the origin of what’s called the ‘mantling deposit.’ How was this deposit placed here?’
Due to the fact that I have discovered multiple sites on Mars with similar matching megalithic blocks and similar objects I speculate these ancient ruins are artificial in nature.
Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of technology (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic block/s (click for larger image)Smooth megalithic block with rounded edge (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic block or some type of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Metallic-looking plate partially buried with small symmetrical parts on top (click for larger image)Megalithic slab or piece of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Megalithic slabs or pieces of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Metallic-looking technology, perhaps some type of wrecked craft (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic block/s or slabs or some type of technology or wrecked craft (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of technology (click for larger image)Symmetrical megalithic block or some type of technology (click for larger image)Partially buried megalithic block (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of technology (click for larger image)Megalithic block (click for larger image)Megalithic block with smaller step carved into one corner (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Bent metallic-looking plate, perhaps underground entrance-way (click for larger image)Strange shaped block, perhaps a piece from a giant sculpture (click for larger image)Megalithic slabs or some type of metallic-looking technology, perhaps underground entrance-way (click for larger image)Rectangular object with what look like two holes or dark spots on one side (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of metallic-looking plates or technology (click for larger image)Partially buried metallic-looking technology, perhaps some type of wrecked craft (click for larger image)Megalithic block/slab with smaller knob or feature on top (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Megalithic block in the shape of a cube (click for larger image)Layered/stepped megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of metallic-looking technology (click for larger image)Megalithic block/slab with smaller knobs or features on top (click for larger image)Narrow megalithic slab (click for larger image)Two exposed, inter-locking megalithic blocks with knobs or smaller features on top (click for larger image)Molded object, perhaps from a sculpture (click for larger image)Megalithic blocks/slabs or some type of metallic-looking plates or technology (click for larger image)Large megalithic block with a smaller rectangular block on top (click for larger image)Exposed, inter-locking megalithic blocks (click for larger image)Narrow rectangular parts on opposite sides to a cylindrical object, perhaps a wrecked craft or some type of technology (click for larger image)Stepped/layered piece with smaller knobs or features on top (click for larger image)Two megalithic blocks (click for larger image)Part of a sculpture or some kind of destroyed technology (click for larger image)Megalithic block with multiple smaller features to the left side, perhaps part of a sculpture. It appears the piece lying next to it broke off (click for larger image)Megalithic blocks in the shape of a cubes (click for larger image)Megalithic slabs (click for larger image)Megalithic blocks (click for larger image)Triangular object partially buried in sand (click for larger image)Partially buried megalithic block or technology, note the oblong feature with smaller dome on the side (click for larger image)Megalithic block with multiple smaller features, perhaps part of a sculpture (click for larger image)Rectangular megalithic block (click for larger image)Megalithic block with knob or smaller feature on top (click for larger image)Exposed, inter-locking megalithic blocks (click for larger image)Megalithic blocks with knobs or smaller features on top (click for larger image)Multiple stacked megalithic blocks/slabs (click for larger image)Could this be some type of hatch or wrecked craft? (click for larger image)Hollow object? There seems to be a rounded opening on the one side (click for larger image)Broken sculpture pieces or perhaps smashed technology? (click for larger image)Megalithic block in the shape of a cube (click for larger image)Megalithic blocks (click for larger image)Broken sculpture piece, stepper/layered megalithic block or perhaps smashed technology? (click for larger image)Object in the shape of a heart or leaf, perhaps a sculpture piece? (click for larger image)Narrow megalithic block/slab (click for larger image)Megalithic block with knobs or smaller features on top (click for larger image)Narrow megalithic block/slab (click for larger image)Narrow megalithic block/slab (click for larger image)
Images saved from within HiView or CTX viewer do not include image scale indicators. The image scale indicators I include in images are based on the official resolutions provided by NASA and although I strive to be as accurate as possible there may be slight deviations from the actual scale. Image scale indicators are included as a size approximation tool only.
Ley lines are mapped as accurately as possible using the limited information, data and mapping tools available at the time, therefore the ley lines may deviate from target sites by a few kilometres. Revisions may be made in the future as new, more precise information, data and mapping tools become available.
Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”