More Perplexing Mars Mysteries

This photograph (PSP_008628_1800) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 29 May 2008.

NASA describes this photograph as “Chaotic Terrain at Exit of Ravi Vallis.”

I discovered what look like traces of liquid, plants/trees, a megalith, another very bright object (if not a camera anomaly), an odd destroyed piece that looks possibly technological in nature and some interesting geology.

Pure speculation as always, these anomalies look like something unnatural and are not specifically something unnatural.

Geometrically-Shaped Impact Site
Geometrically-Shaped Impact Site (click for larger image)
Strange Bright Area - Partially Buried in Sand
Strange Bright Area – Partially Buried in Sand (click for larger image)
Sparse Dunes
Sparse Dunes (click for larger image)
Volcanic Plug 'Devil's Tower' or Liquid Flow?
Volcanic Plug ‘Devil’s Tower’ or Liquid Flow? (click for larger image)
Bright Object or Cosmic Ray Burst?
Bright Object or Cosmic Ray Burst? (click for larger image)
Water Control System and Strange 'V'-Shape Object
Water Control System and Strange ‘V’-Shape Object (click for larger image)
Perhaps 'Dome'-Shaped - Water and Trees?
Perhaps ‘Dome’-Shaped – Water and Trees? (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

I downloaded the HiRise Merged RGB Map-Projected JP2 file to view this anomaly.

Are these natural geological formations/features or perhaps something else?

Previous ‘Bright Spot’ Video:

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Trees and a formation of crystal shards found on Mars?

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) is a NASA imaging project and focuses on data returned from Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, and regional surveys conducted by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

The controversial HiRISE image below seems to indicate the presence of trees growing in rows and formations of crystal like shards on the Martian surface.

I’ve highlighted some of these trees and crystal like structures. The layer of white carbon dioxide ice passes behind these objects. There is also a red dust cloud behind the group of the trees. Check out the surface from where the trees are growing. The evidence shows that the trees are rooted (thick root systems are clearly visible). One group of trees at the middle, top of the image are upside-down and there is a red dust cloud visible behind them, this too me indicates some image manipulation, i.e. all the remaining trees are pointing up towards the sky.

Trees and a formation of crystal shards
Trees and a formation of crystal shards (click for larger version)

NASA’s explanation: “There is a vast region of sand dunes at high northern latitudes on Mars. In the winter, a layer of carbon dioxide ice covers the dunes, and in the spring as the sun warms the ice it evaporates. This is a very active process, and sand dislodged from the crests of the dunes cascades down, forming dark streaks.”

Several “dark streaks” start at the crest of some dunes, whereas other “dark streaks” are seen in absolutely flat areas between dunes, i.e. they can’t flow there.

Original NASA source:

Original NASA source:

In my opinion the trees and formation of crystal shards are pointing up towards the sky and are not flat on the surface; whether or not these are trees remains to be seen. NASA’s logic and explanation makes no sense. Unarguably this is a very intriguing image and will cause debate for years to come.

Mars ‘Spiders’ possibly covered in Plant Life

This photograph (ESP_012075_1015) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 22 February 2009.

NASA describes this photograph as “Possible Hydration.”

In this presentation I present a theory that these dark areas or spots on the surface of Mars might be a form of plant-life covering so-called “Spiders” on the Martian surface.

I speculate that the “plant life” shown might be a type of moss as or a type of very fine leaf plant, perhaps something like a fern.

Mars 'Spiders' possibly covered in Plant Life
Mars ‘Spiders’ possibly covered in Plant Life (click for larger image)
Mars 'Spiders' possibly covered in Plant Life - Zoom I
Mars ‘Spiders’ possibly covered in Plant Life – Zoom I (click for larger image)
Mars 'Spiders' possibly covered in Plant Life - Zoom II
Mars ‘Spiders’ possibly covered in Plant Life – Zoom II (click for larger image)

Original NASA sources:

I downloaded the HiRise B&W Map-Projected JP2 file to view these anomalies.

Some have speculated that similar MOC photographs taken in the past show what might be trees as seen from above.

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Is this evidence of plant life on Mars?

This photograph (ESP_023164_1020) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 06 July 2011.

NASA describes this photograph as “A Forest of Channels on the South Polar Layered Deposits.”

I discovered what I speculate looks like plant-like life forms on Mars consisting of what may be roots on the surface as well as up above the surface. They don’t look like channels but rather something on top of the surface.

They are uniformly spaced and look like virtual copies of each other. Is there some intelligence behind this phenomena?

There is also a lot of green in the photo, is this natural or did NASA chose that colour?

Is this evidence of plant life on Mars?
Is this evidence of plant life on Mars? (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

I downloaded the HiRise Merged RGB Map-Projected JP2 file to view these anomalies.

Are these natural geological formations or perhaps evidence of some type of plant life? NASA might have given us a clue by using the word “Forest” in the photo description.

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Is this burning vegetation on Mars?

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2007-11-18T10:36:48.041.

NASA describes this image as “Terrain in and near Deuteronilus Colles.”

Is this smoke from burning vegetation, fine dust in the Martian atmosphere or signs of melting ice or snow?

Is this burning vegetation on Mars?
Is this burning vegetation on Mars? (click for larger image)
Clumps of vegetation around crater and concentration of vegetation around crater rim
Clumps of vegetation around crater and concentration of vegetation around crater rim
Possible similar vegetation on Earth
Possible similar vegetation on Earth

NASA claims Mars has no plant life. Could this prove they are wrong?

I encourage you to download the NASA photograph, check it out and decide for yourself.

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view this anomaly.

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Lake and plants found on Mars by NASA MOC Mission (M09-01354)?

This photograph in the Mission Operations Centre (MOC) series appears to show a forest and what appears to be a lake.

Take a look at the artificial looking structures on the western shore of the lake. The objects are virtually in a line and spaced equally apart.

Lake and plants found on Mars (M09-01354)
Lake and plants found on Mars (M09-01354) (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

Watch the video by Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky below for a lot more details and analysis:

I doubt this type of layout is produced naturally. What the heck? You decide.