The Disclosure Chronicles

Humanity has entered a new phase where evil people are becoming vastly more evil and good people are starting to ally together saying “enough is enough.” We are on the brink of a new reality, a reality where new technology and a new level of spirituality will radically change our lives for the better. For decades now the powerful elite few have withheld vast cosmic truths and revolutionary technologies from us.

Their narrative has been propagated through the mainstream media and educational institutions, to name a few, for decades. Our lives revolve around the norms and standards they set, being it in the science and history we are taught, the news we read and the TV programmes we watch. Our minds have been controlled by this negative propaganda for far too long. We have become dependent on our so-called “leaders,” waiting for them to make important decisions for us while we live our lives as slaves in the dark.

Meanwhile, the powerful elite have established secret, dark programmes using our tax money. Free from any form of oversight the military industrial complex including large corporations are taking our money and using it to finance their interests, conducting research and development into new forms of technology, energy generation, propulsion systems, AI, etc.

The treaty/treaties entered into between President Eisenhower and ETs at Andrews AFB and later at Holloman AFB are outdated and should be declared as “no longer valid” because the terms of the treaty/treaties have been met. It was agreed that in exchange for technology the ETs would have the freedom to conduct experiments and research on Earth. We now have the technology and decades have since passed, however the ETs continue to conduct harmful experiments on us.

It is also speculated that, following these initial meetings with ETs, Eisenhower instructed the Central Intelligence Agency to ensure humanity survives by all means possible likely giving birth to, what I surmise, is the Secret Space Program. Eisenhower appears to have lost control soon thereafter and later warned us of the might of the military industrial complex which has gained unprecedented power since the treaty/treaties were signed. Who knows what other treaties have been agreed to since and even before then.

General Douglas MacArthur, who was fired by President Truman for running parallel UFO investigations of his own, said in a speech: “The next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets. The politics of the future will be cosmic, or interplanetary.

Eisenhower’s concerns about the out-of-control military industrial complex (parallel government) were not unfounded. Linda Moulton Howe from Earthfiles recently revealed the existence of a 9 page memo which was in the possession of James Jesus Angleton until his death. The memo is said to detail JFK’s assassination plot. The dark, parallel government wanted Kennedy taken out for apparently considering a collaboration between the US and the Russians on the ET question. President Kennedy was assassinated just 10 days after requesting ET information/files from the CIA.

Individuals, also known as whistle-blowers or insiders, that have worked in or that have been involved with these secret programmes have come forward to share what they know with the public. Unfortunately many have been criticized by the mainstream media and so-called highly “educated/academic/scientific” people, the same mainstream media and people that have been brainwashed by propaganda and lies spread by the powerful elite. Fortunately some of us have had enough of the lie and have awoken, considering these testimonies with open minds.

Ben Rich before he retired said: “We’re 100 years ahead of establishment science” and “We can take E.T. home” and President Reagan’s diary entry for Tuesday, June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads: “Lunch with 5 top space scientist. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.

Why would whistle-blowers or insiders risk their lives and reputations by coming forward with this information if it is not truthful? Many, if not all of them, have been encouraged by their superiors to come forward with the truth. William Tompkins, for example, received instruction from a Naval Officer: “Tell it all.” The Air-Force, Navy and off-world allies are fighting an escalating war which can no longer be kept secret and an alliance between them wants to disclose the truth.

Besides whistle-blower testimony, Hollywood and NASA have also been come on board, on a more subliminal level though. Steven Spielberg’s E.T. and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The X-Files, Stargate, Star Trek and Stranger Things to name a few, have been instrumental in exposing the truth. Chris Carter, when asked by Robert Dean where he had received his top secret information from specifically for three X-Files episodes, he replied: “Well, yeah, we’ve been getting some story ideas from a variety of sources” and “You ain’t seen nothing yet. Stay tuned.

Some good people at NASA have also decided to disclose some information, showing the discovery of ancient civilisations and off-world, non-human activity on Mars. Images are released publically on NASA’s website on a daily basis; some highly controversial images show ancient megalithic ruins, life-forms, bases and craft with no specific explanation, leaving it up to us to decide what is really happening on Mars.

Mainstream media, controlled by the powerful elite, refuse to disclose the truth hence disclosure is covered mostly in alternative media, where it reaches a smaller audience. Fortunately there are individuals who are working diligently to bring disclosure to the mainstream, e.g. Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot YouTube channel, is making arrangements with Hollywood to bring her show to mainstream TV.

Why should we be scared of the truth and allow the elite to dictate how we live and what to believe in? Why should we continue being dependent on old fossil fuel technology when free energy is available? With all the evidence (verbal testimonies, photographs, documents, diary entries, subliminal disclosures, etc.) available now it should be evident to all that we have been lied to.

I encourage everyone to do their own research into this subject and to form their own opinion. The volume of information available may seem overwhelming, but I can assure you that after a while you will see a pattern and you will be able to join the dots. Knowing the big picture will help us to identify partial or full disclosure when it happens. Share this with your family and friends, it is time for humanity to awaken and to join our off-world sisters and brothers that are eagerly waiting for us.

All of us really need to take control of our destiny now before it is too late. Future generations as well as planet Earth herself deserve much, much better. We live in interesting times. As the saying goes: “The truth will set us free.

Secret Space Program (SSP) Cosmic Disclosure

Kept secret for decades now, a secret space fleet code named “Solar Warden,” amongst others, has been in operation since the 1980’s. Implicated with this Secret Space Program is the infamous military industrial complex together with US aerospace contractors, big corporates, US Government, United Nations and NASA with some contributions from, Canada, United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It seems all of the second-world war allies are in it together. The program is run from secret military bases which include Area 51 in Nevada, USA amongst others.

Secret Space Program Logo
Secret Space Program Logo

Whilst conducting a freedom of information request with the DoD in 2010, Darren Perks received an unexpected response via email which read: “About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager. I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?

Also Gary McKinnon learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden” when he hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago. Trying McKinnon in open court would afford him an opportunity to testify to the above classified facts and besides his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet. McKinnon’s extradition to the U.S. has gone nowhere.

McKinnon uncovered information about the fleet of space craft operating in “Solar Warden.” Details reveal that there are about 8 cigar-shaped motherships and 43 smaller “scout ships,” probably TR-3B’s and the like. This fleet, run by approximately 300 personnel, resides under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) also known as Naval Space Command.

Several whistleblowers involved in the Secret Space Program, some already in their 80’s and 90’s, have come forward to testify about its details. I respect each and every one of them for their honesty and fortitude. Many state that they have been instructed by their superiors to come forward. William Tompkins, who recently passed away, was one of the most important whistleblowers. After retiring from the aerospace industry Tompkins went about informing people of extra-terrestrial life and technology to prepare them for a world where the existence of extra-terrestrial life was common knowledge.

Whistleblower William Tompkins ... we will remember you for your absolute honesty, fortitude and concern
Whistleblower William Tompkins … we will remember you for your absolute honesty, fortitude and concern

In February 1984, Tompkins attended the Navy League National Convention in Seattle. Prior to the Convention, Tompkins briefed Rear Admiral Hugh Webster, a President and Corporate Director of the Navy League, about some of the extra-terrestrial projects he had been involved with during his aerospace career. Tompkins received the Admiral’s full support for his plans to develop a series of Navy led special projects dealing with the alien topic. In 2001, Webster would give Tompkins permission to disclose all he knew about the Navy’s involvement in extra-terrestrial related projects in a future autobiography (published in December 2015 as Selected by Extra-terrestrials).

NASA’s current space program is decades behind the Secret Space Program. I guess the antiquated technology NASA is using is part of the Secret Space Programme deception and cover-up narrative.

Combined with all the whistleblower testimony and the fact that thousands of people from around the world are witnessing craft moving around in the skies that seem to defy gravity it seems clear that the Secret Space Program is a reality. Whether they are part of the “Solar Warden” program, military experimental aircraft or not, what people see cannot be denied.

Remember the days when NASA claimed Mars was dead and lifeless? Well something at NASA has changed, check out this statement directly from their Mars website: “Travelers of the Future, Beware! Mars is no place for the faint-hearted. Arid, rocky, cold and apparently lifeless, the Red Planet offers few hospitalities.” Yes it is true folks, here is a screenshot just in case they change their minds later:

NASA statement: Mars '... apparently lifeless ...'
NASA statement: Mars ‘… apparently lifeless …’

Original NASA source:

What the heck: “apparently lifeless.” NASA have definitely changed the narrative, why don’t they just come out with a full disclosure already? We are tired of the “leaked” Mars mission images showing what are trees, plants, glass tubes, ancient megalithic stone ruins, broken ancient statues, life forms, lakes, large dome structures, various craft on the surface and in the atmosphere and a humanoid working on Mars Curiosity rover to name a few, with no official explanation from NASA.

When will full disclosure take place? The information provided by whistleblowers and the various Mars rover and orbiter “leaked” images released by NASA are just the tip of the iceberg. Currently we are experiencing a soft form of disclosure, possibly preparing us for the full truth in the near future, i.e. that we are not alone and that humans have been interacting with extra-terrestrial for decades now. Not to mention the advanced tech that is out there!

The SSP program and its technology would revolutionise the world and our views on space exploration and travel forever, i.e. “free energy” or “zero point energy” and “gravity cancelling” technology will free us from our dependency on fossil fuels and current transportation technologies. No wonder it remains secret.

The Day Before Disclosure:
A Film by Terje Toftenes, Troll, Ragnhild Loken with New Paradigm Films

22 Alien Genetic Experiments, Secret Space Programs and Break Away Civilizations:
A Corey Goode Presentation

Some logo’s you might not be familiar with:

Logo: Naval Space Command (US Navy)
Logo: Naval Space Command (US Navy)
Logo: Air-Force Space Command
Logo: Air-Force Space Command
Logo: Department of the Navy
Logo: Department of the Navy
Logo: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Logo: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Logo: US Navy League
Logo: US Navy League

We should keep this in the back of our minds …

Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon

This image was taken by Rear Hazcam: Left B (RHAZ_LEFT_B) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 862.

What makes this image interesting is the black triangular object seen to the left, just above the Martian horizon.

Case #7: Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon:

Some anomaly hunters describe this object as looking like a helicopter viewed side on. In my opinion it looks more like a black triangle viewed slightly from below and side on. Could this be yet another TR-3B?

Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon
Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon (click for larger image)
Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon
Black triangular object photographed on Mars horizon – Illustration

Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode has recently revealed the existence of a craft called “The Wedge” which is used by the Dark Fleet to conduct offensive operations.

The Dark Fleet 'Wedge'
The Dark Fleet ‘Wedge’ – Illustration

It is well known that one of the Curiosity Rovers Hazcam’s produce an artefact due to damage suffered early on in the rover’s mission. The black triangular object seen in this image (middle, left) does not appear to resemble the shape of the known rover camera artefact (on the right).

Whistleblowers have testified that the TR-3B has been to Mars and that this craft can make the trip from Earth to Mars in a matter of hours or even less, some speculate the craft can reach Mars in 38 minutes.

Original NASA source:

Is this yet another TR-3B or the Dark Fleet ‘Wedge’ captured in a NASA image on Mars?

Most importantly, what is any form of object, besides dust particles, doing in the Martian atmosphere?

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TR-3B eye-witness video footage

Although this topic is not directly related to Mars anomalies, I thought it would be relevant to share it anyway due to the fact that Secret Space Program whistleblowers have indicated that the TR-3B has been to Mars.

For the sake of having all the TR-3B eye-witness video footage available in one place I have compiled the following video compilations and grouped them into categories ranging from US military active war time engagements and day and night-time sightings.

From the video footage it is apparent that the US Air-Force is directly involved in the ongoing military action against the Taliban and other terrorist organisations in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. According to Secret Space Program whistleblowers, as I understand it, the US Air-Force has been issued with the smaller version of the TR-3B, as apposed to the 600 foot version operated by the US Naval Space Fleet, as is observed in these video clips.

The day and night-time sightings range from eye-witnesses from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Wittenberg in Germany, Paris in France, Somerset and Southampton in the UK.

Should the following YouTube video’s not be viewable, try logging-in to YouTube and try again:

TR-3B US Military footage:

TR-3B Day-Time footage:

TR-3B Night-time footage (using night vision equipment):

Is this mere CGI at work or are all or some of these sightings real? Maybe … I think it is important to make everyone aware of what’s possibly going on in the skies above them.

All of the credit is due to the original eye-witnesses and those that made the video clips available to the public. We are thankful and appreciative.

History and summary of the Secret Space Program

In this presentation on UAMN TV, Dr. Michael Salla presenting via Skype at the NEXUS Conference, presents the most comprehensive history and summary of the Secret Space Program I’ve seen.

The presentation entitled “The advanced secret space civilizations that broke away from Earth” covers the entire Secret Space Program from its origins in the 30’s to present day.

Reference is made to key documentation and whistle blower testimony that reveal the hidden development of antigravity spacecraft, the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extra-terrestrial alliances.

Dr. Michael Salla has now finally put all the pieces together.

Believe it or not?

Has the TR-3B been to Mars?

In this interview, Richard D Hall from Richplanet TV discusses TR-3B information leaked by whistle blower Edgar Fouche.

The TR-3B is also known as the massive flying triangle seen around the world. TR-3B’s are also known as space platforms due to their size.

TR-3B Illustration
TR-3B Illustration

The information provided by Fouche confirms Gary McKinnon’s claim that he had seen a list of officer’s names under the heading “Non-Terrestrial Officers” and in particular the names of a fleet of craft listed as “USS …” in a document after he had hacked into state computers.

List of non-terrestrial officers
List of non-terrestrial officers
Fleet of craft listed as 'USS ...'
Fleet of craft listed as ‘USS …’

Interestingly another of the whistle blowers in this discussion mentions the TR-3B has been to amongst other planets, Mars. The photograph taken by the Curiosity Rover’s backward pointing camera showing what appears to be a humanoid figure working on the rover could well be one of these so called “Non-Terrestrial Officers” that arrived there in a TR-3B.

Check out the discussion in the video below:

The original interviews with Ed Fouche are located here:

I guess the antiquated technology NASA is using is part of the Secret Space Programme deception campaign. Who knows? The puzzle however is coming together nicely.

The Gary McKinnon Interview (2015)

In 2015 Richplanet TV interviewed world famous “hacker” Gary McKinnon. He discusses how he hacked into NASA computers as well as dozens of US Army, Navy, Air Force and Department of Defence computers.

Amongst other information, he uncovered evidence of a secret space program as well as list of officers’ names under the heading “Non-Terrestrial Officers” including a fleet of craft listed as “USS … .”

Who or what was standing next to the Curiosity rover, it does appear to be humanoid? Might these so called “Non-Terrestrial Officers” also be present on Mars?

Towards the end of the interview he also talks about interesting artefacts on Mars.