The photograph analyzed here (ESP_020520_1325) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 12 December 2010 and is described as ‘Dune Gullies in Kaiser Crater.’
Here I feature several anomalies and artifacts that include the following: dolmen-type structures (one has what looks like supporting brace), another strange obelisk-shaped block, various megalithic slabs and blocks and a weird structure.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘Ancient Ruins Spotted in Kaiser on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (ESP_022181_1345) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 20 April 2011 and is described as ‘Dune Features.’
Here I feature a diverse group of anomalies and artifacts that include the following: a huge dome-shaped object on a circular base, a small flying-saucer shaped object that appears to have crashed into a structure, megalithic blocks (rectangular and triangular) and geometric glyph-like alignment of small protrusions on large pieces.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘Dome and Structures in Neukum on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (ESP_022795_1215) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 07 June 2011 and is described as ‘Olivine-Rich Crater Wall in Terra Sirenum.’
Here I feature several artifacts that look like fossils, sculpted or moulded objects ranging from dome-like structures to objects that appear to be some type of symbols or glyphs, a wrecked boat/eye-shaped anomaly and megalithic blocks with protrusions on top.
This region of Mars has dozens of similar artifacts and I speculate there was a thriving civilization there in the not too distant past.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘Similar “Sculpted” Objects found in Terra Sirenum on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (PSP_005712_1375) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 15 October 2007 and is described as ‘Intracrater Patches of Contrasting Thermal Inertia.’
Here I present an array of compelling evidence of anomalies that include the following: disc-shaped objects, megalithic blocks, weird structured objects, some weird technological-type artifacts and pieces of what look like metallic wreckage.
This region of Mars has 100’s of strange artifacts.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘Ancient Ruins North of Neukum on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
Here I feature several artifacts I discovered on Bennu Asteroid.
These artifacts appear megalithic in nature, especially considering similar examples of these on Bennu can also be found on Earth … and yes, on Mars too.
Sites where similar megalithic ruins can be found here on Earth include Peru, Russia and Ireland.
Could we be looking at ancient megalithic ruins left here in our Solar System by an ancient builder race thousands of years ago?
The evidence presented here I consider compelling enough to warrant further research by NASA/JPL.
A strange structure on Bennu’s Southern mid-latitude
Bennu Asteroid
The dolmen-shaped structure on Bennu is approximately 20 metres across. It has a geometric, rectangular shape with a protrusion or knob on top located in its center line, very similar to megalithic blocks found on Earth and Mars.
Side view of dolmen-type structure on Bennu (click to view larger image)Top view of dolmen-type structure on Bennu (click to view larger image)
Similar artifact found on Mars: ESP_019094_2255 (click to view larger image at actual 1:1 scale)
Similar Artifact found on Earth: Poulnabrone Dolmen, County Clare, Ireland
Strange megalithic blocks or monoliths on Bennu
Bennu Asteroid
The two rectangular blocks or slabs located on Bennu, placed parallel to one another, have very well defined edges and right angled corners making than very unusual. These are very similar to megalithic blocks and monoliths found on Earth and Mars.
Megalithic blocks or monoliths on Bennu (click to view larger image)
Rover Curiosity photographed these megalithic blocks and monoliths on Mars. Notice the smooth flat sides, straight edges and right angles. Some blocks have bevels cut into their sides. The block located bottom right looks very similar to the dolmen-shaped structure on Bennu.
Similar megalithic stone ruins found on Mars: 0618MR0026010370401306E01_DXXX (click to view larger image)
Similar megalithic stone ruins found on Earth: Pumapunku Ruins, Bolivia
Megalithic blocks with holes and knobs on Bennu
Here we take a closer look at megalithic blocks with holes and knobs on Bennu asteroid. These features are also found on megalithic blocks found on Earth and Mars.
Bennu Asteroid
Megalithic block with a perfect hole drilled into its center on Bennu (click to view larger image)
Similar artifact found on Mars: ESP_013805_1295 (click to view larger image at actual 1:1 scale)
Similar megalithic stone with hole found on Earth: Dolmen, Pshada village, Russia
Bennu Asteroid
Here is a small block on Bennu with two identical protrusions or knobs on its one side. Similar protrusions or knobs are also found on megalithic blocks here on Earth and on Mars.
Megalithic block with two identical protrusions or knobs on Bennu (click to view larger image)
Similar artifact found on Mars: PSP_005935_2275 (click to view larger image at actual 1:1 scale)
Similar megalithic protrusions or knobs found on Earth: Stone Work, Ollantaytambo, Peru
Bennu Asteroid
Here is a megalithic block on Bennu which is both symmetrical and geometric in nature, note the well defined straight sides and the two similar angles of the corners.
Symmetrical, geometric megalithic block on Bennu (click to view larger image)
Similar artifact found on Mars: PSP_005935_2275 (click to view larger image at actual 1:1 scale)
Similar megalithic blocks found on Earth: Fortress of Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco, Peru
My YouTube video featuring ‘OSIRIS-REx Spots Ancient Megalithic Artifacts on Bennu Asteroid:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (PSP_003972_1305) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 01 June 2007 and is described as ‘Proposed MSL Site in Southern Mid-Latitude Craters.’
In Part 2, the conclusion of this series I present an array of anomalies that include the following: disc-shaped objects, triangular obelisk-shaped objects, megalithic blocks, weird structured objects and strange pieces that look sculpted.
I also present more compelling evidence of small objects arrange in geometric/symmetrical patterns on top of larger objects.
This is also where I found an artifact that looks like the ‘Rock Ship of Masuda’ located in the Asuka Region of Japan (The Place of ‘Flying Birds’). Both share similar features: a rounded scoop-like front and a stepped feature in the middle.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘PART 2 Obelisks Megaliths and Discs Spotted East of Asimov on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (PSP_003972_1305) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 01 June 2007 and is described as ‘Proposed MSL Site in Southern Mid-Latitude Craters.’
In Part 1 of this new exciting series I present an array of anomalies that include the following: disc-shaped objects, triangular obelisk-shaped objects, megalithic blocks, weird structured objects and strange pieces that look sculpted.
This is also where I found an artifact that looks like the ‘Rock Ship of Masuda’ located in the Asuka Region of Japan (The Place of ‘Flying Birds’). Both share similar features: a rounded scoop-like front and a stepped feature in the middle.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘PART 1 Obelisks Megaliths and Discs Spotted East of Asimov on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (ESP_057162_1330) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 06 October 2018 and is described as ‘Periglacial Sample.’
In Part 2, the conclusion of this series, we return to the region of Mars called Euripus Mons. This JP2 photograph includes many diverse anomalies which include: discs, domes, megalithic blocks with knobs/protrusions and what look like ruins or very old structures.
Some artifacts featured here look like metallic debris or pieces of metallic sheet metal due to their sharp well defined edges.
The artifacts here compare very well to others in this region of Mars. Given the geometric and symmetrical alignments of the glyph-type patterns on the larger pieces my observation and speculation is that if there was a civilization on Mars in this region they were very artistic and creative.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘PART 2 Relics and Ruins South East of Euripus Mons on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (ESP_057162_1330) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 06 October 2018 and is described as ‘Periglacial Sample.’
We return to the region of Mars called Euripus Mons. This JP2 photograph includes many diverse anomalies which include: discs, domes, megalithic blocks with knobs/protrusions and what look like ruins or very old structures.
The artifacts here compare very well to others in this region of Mars. Given the geometric and symmetrical alignments of the glyph-type patterns on the larger pieces my observation and speculation is that if there was a civilization on Mars in this region they were very artistic and creative.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘PART 1 Relics and Ruins South East of Euripus Mons on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.
The photograph analyzed here (ESP_021469_1325) was acquired by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on 24 February 2011 and is described as ‘Change Detection in Proctor Crater.’
In Part 3, the conclusion of this series we return to Proctor and examine new anomalies that are now visible as a result of the dune field in Proctor moving.
Featured here are anomalies that include the following: massive spherical balls, circular discs, domes, megalithic blocks and large flat objects with protrusions/knobs arranged in circular/triangular geometric patterns on their top sides.
An Observation: Many of the anomalies covered here look like Dolmens found on Earth as photographed from above. The huge spherical balls are similar in shape and size to those found here on Earth.
An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)An elevated view of this site being analyzed (click for larger image)Click for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scaleClick for larger image at 1:1 scale
My YouTube video featuring ‘PART 3 “Dolmens” Domes Discs and Blocks Spotted in Proctor on Mars:’
Subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on Notifications to receive updates when I upload new video’s.
Your contribution, no matter how small, will help me to cover my Internet fees which include broadband access and hosting of my Blog. The NASA photographs I download for my research are huge thus the need for broadband, high data access.
DISCLAIMER: Many or all of the anomalies/artefacts covered in this presentation may be naturally occurring geological features caused by some type of geological processes, however due to the lack of specific information from the source we can only speculate whether these are all natural or some artificial in nature.
In cases where I say an anomaly looks like something I’m attempting to clarify what I see and not specifically that the anomaly is what I say it looks like.
My intention is only to share anomalies I’ve discovered on Mars and not to convince anyone that there is or was a civilization on Mars.
As Will Farrar from WhatsUpInTheSky says: “I see what I see, you see what you see.”
FAIR USE NOTICE: This presentation might contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not specifically been authorized by the copyright owner/s. RaptorZone Mars Anomalies distributes this material for the purpose of news reporting, educational research, comment and criticism, constituting Fair Use under 17 U.S.C § 107. Please contact RaptorZone Mars Anomalies with any copyright issue/s.