Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars

This photograph (ESP_025752_1395) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 24 January 2012.

NASA describes this photograph as “Reull Vallis.”

Case #32: Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars:

I discovered a bright blue light/object in a crevasse on Mars. It appears saucer-shaped and self-illuminating. None of the surrounding boulders have the same shape or colour.

Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars
Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars (click for larger image)

Some of my YouTube Channel viewers and Todd, Site Administrator at, suggested that the blue spot was probably an anomaly in the HiRISE camera caused by a cosmic ray strike on the L-7 blue filter. I consequently downloaded the B&W Mapped-Projected JP2 (I originally spotted the anomaly in the Merged RGB Map-Projected JP2) and the anomaly is not present. So the “Blue Object” theory is debunked.

Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars: Debunked
Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars: Debunked (click for larger image)

I also discovered what looks like mechanical debris, e.g. wing with a rectangular engine mounted to it, an oblong bulge and something darker draping the top, as well as a multi-sided pyramid and strange oval 3-d oval crater anomaly.

Mechanical Debris
Mechanical Debris (click for larger image)
Mechanical Debris - Higher-resolution
Mechanical Debris – Higher-resolution (click for larger image)

The white object is approximately 7 metres long, 3 metres wide and 50 cm thick.

Mechanical Debris - Higher-resolution (shadow detail)
Mechanical Debris – Higher-resolution (shadow detail)
Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars: Pyramid
Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars: Pyramid (click for larger image)
Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars: Oval crater anomaly
Bright Blue Object Captured on Mars: Oval crater anomaly (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

Could these anomalies, specifically the bright blue light/object and “wing with rectangular engine” be artifical in nature?

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Soviet Mars 3 Lander or something else?

These photographs (PSP_006154_1345 and ESP_031036_1345) were taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 18 November 2007 and 10 March 2013 respectively.

NASA describes them as “Center of Soviet Mars 3 Landing Ellipse” and “Could This Be the Soviet Mars 3 Lander?”

Case #31: Soviet Mars 3 Lander or something else?:

“Together, this set of features and their layout on the ground provide a remarkable match to what is expected from the Mars 3 landing, but alternative explanations for the features cannot be ruled out. Further analysis of the data and future images to better understand the 3-dimensional shapes may help to confirm this interpretation.” – Alfred McEwen (11 April 2013) NASA

Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Parachute?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Parachute?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Heat Shield?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Heat Shield?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Retro Rocket?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Retro Rocket?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Lander?
Soviet Mars 3 Lander: Lander?

Original NASA source:

Original NASA source:

I downloaded the JP2’s to view these anomalies.

Could this be the Soviet Mars 3 Lander or something else?

At least NASA identifies these as unnatural anomalies.

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NASA calls this a ‘Circular Feature’ on Mars

This photograph (PSP_009223_2640) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 15 July 2008.
NASA describes this photograph as “Circular Feature in Polar Cap.”

Case #30: NASA calls this a ‘Circular Feature’ on Mars:’

There are no similar ‘features’ in the photograph and it definitely looks out of place.

The close-up appears to shows that this anomaly might not be a hole or crater, i.e. the highlights and shadows don’t match the surrounding landscape.

Also, the Martian surface looks slightly indented and flattened towards the top right of the anomaly, almost like an impact trench.

Further up the surface looks manipulated, almost blurred.

NASA calls this a 'Circular Feature' on Mars
NASA calls this a ‘Circular Feature’ on Mars (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

I downloaded the JP2 to view the anomaly.

Could this be a disc-shaped craft that crashed into the Martian surface or just a hole or crater?

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Mysterious crashed craft found in South Polar region on Mars

More giant megaliths or crashed craft found on Mars, this time in a vast barren region of the South Pole.

Case #29: Mysterious crashed craft found in South Polar region on Mars:

Two NASA photographs are referenced here:

This first photograph (PSP_006550_1025) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) HiRISE Camera on 19 December 2007.

NASA describes this photograph as “Surface Morphology.”

The second photograph (G14_023507_1029_XN_77S158W) was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2011-08-02T04:06:06.023.

NASA describes this photograph as “Context for HiRISE image PSP_006550_1025.”

Mysterious crashed craft found in South Polar region on Mars
Mysterious crashed craft found in South Polar region on Mars (click for larger image)
Mysterious crashed craft found in South Polar region on Mars
Mysterious crashed craft found in South Polar region on Mars (click for larger image)

The edges of the smaller object look perfectly flat and they form a 90 degree angle. It also appears to be perfectly flat with a constant thickness throughout.

The larger object, which also looks to be perfectly flat, has rounded corners which appear moulded somehow.

There is another rectangular anomaly behind the two objects which has straight edges which form a 90 degree angle.

Original NASA source:

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page and downloaded the JP2 to view the anomaly.

Could these objects be part of a craft which crashed, broke up and was embedded in ice, megalithic blocks that have been placed there by some kind of intelligence or are they natural occurring geological features?

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Rectangular object with rounded corners found on Mars

This photograph (E1401398) was taken by NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on 2002-03-20T02:26:57.70.

NASA describes this photograph as “North Terra Meridiani light-toned outcrops.”

Case #28: Rectangular object with rounded corners found on Mars:

I found what looks like a rectangular object with rounded corners embedded in an outcropping on the Martian surface.

It also seems to have a flattened dome as well as a pattern on it’s side. The object also has some depth as seen by the shape of the corner that is visible.

Being the only object of its kind in the area it is definitely out of place and looks artificial.

Rectangular object with rounded corners found on Mars
Rectangular object with rounded corners found on Mars (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to find this anomaly.

Could this be a type of monolith or ancient craft of some kind?

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Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?

This photograph was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2008-06-29T12:07:41.771.

NASA describes this image as “Albedo boundary at dichotomy east of Bamberg Crater.”

Case #27: Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?:

I discovered what appears to be destroyed machinery in a crevasse in an area just West of Cydonia.

The apparently destroyed machinery consists of a rectangular part with a small dome or sphere on top. Next to it is another piece with a 90 degree part in it. This to me looks artificial, could it be?

Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?
Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia? (click for larger image)

I checked the entire photograph and the closest, similar anomaly I could find is this one.

Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?
Destroyed machinery West of Cydonia?

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to find this anomaly.

Does this look like artificial, destroyed machinery or might this be a natural geological phenomenon?

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Derelict vessel inside Martian crater

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2010-07-15T06:57:00.674.

NASA describes this image as “Protonilus/Nilosyrtis fretted terrain – northern plains transition area.”

Case #26: Derelict vessel inside Martian crater:

I discovered what appears to be a type of vessel, almost like a boat with torpedo launchers on each side of the boat helm.

I checked the entire photograph and only found this one, totally out of place.

Derelict vessel inside Martian crater
Derelict vessel inside Martian crater (click for larger image)

To the left of the vessel there is what appears to be some type of machine or is it a structure?

It consists of a cube and to its right a tubular geometric shape.

Machine consisting of cube and tubular geometric shape
Machine consisting of cube and tubular geometric shape

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to find this anomaly.

Does this look like a type of vessel or is it a geological phenomenon?

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Metallic ring and reflective disc on Martian surface

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2014-05-09T16:37:29.117.

NASA describes this image as “North Arabia Terra monitoring site.”

Case #25: Metallic ring and reflective disc on Martian surface:

I discovered two anomalies, one looks like a Metallic ring and the other like a reflective disc on the Mars Martian surface.

Both the ring and disc look almost perfectly symmetrical. The disc, which appears to be partially embedded in the Martian surface, seems to be reflecting the scene directly in front of it.

Reflective disc on Martian surface
Reflective disc on Martian surface (click for larger image)
Metallic ring on Martian surface
Metallic ring on Martian surface (click for larger image)

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view these anomalies.

Are these two artificial objects or naturally occurring anomalies?

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Semi-translucent disc on Mars

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2012-04-29T21:40:24.505.

NASA describes this image as “Mid-latitude valleys in Arabia Terra.”

Case #24: Semi-translucent disc on Mars:

I discovered what looks like a semi-translucent disc or saucer craft on the Martian surface.

It does not appear to look similar to any of the craters in the vicinity. I also cannot make out any major shadows on or around the craft, thus the term semi-translucent.

Semi-translucent disc on Mars
Semi-translucent disc on Mars (click for larger image)
Semi-translucent disc on Mars (zoomed view)
Semi-translucent disc on Mars (zoomed view)
Semi-translucent disc on Mars (craters in the area)
Semi-translucent disc on Mars (craters in the area)

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view this anomaly.

It seems to be sticking over a ridge line, is it perhaps air-borne?

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Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater

This image was taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Context Camera (CTX) on 2008-07-06T17:59:30.940.

NASA describes this image as “Terrain north of Mawrth Vallis.”

Case #23: Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater:

I discovered what appears to be a massive dome or spherical object or structure with an estimated diameter of 450 metres inside a crater on Mars.

Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater
Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater
Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater (zoomed view)
Massive dome or sphere inside Martian Crater (zoomed view)

Unlike a similar, smaller dome or sphere I found this one does not appear to be self-illuminating, however it does seem to be covered in Martian dust so it’s difficult to say for certain.

Original NASA source:

I used NASA’s image viewer to the left of the NASA web page to view this anomaly.

Is this a natural, round bulge in the centre of the crater or a structure, perhaps another dome base station?

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